#AskDrBob-June 28th

Ask Dr. Bob June 28 2013

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Here is the link to the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.

Ask Dr. Bob

1. Dr. Bob if someone has complex cycstic ( breast ) can one use natural foods to treat it instead of surgery or if there are any conventional medicine for treatment?

-Iodine is key, only 12 mg per day at most. Begin with 3 mg for week one, then 6, then 9.

-A TSH test for the thyroid has also seen beneficial results. If your T4 is less than the midline, your body NEEDS iodine.

2. I just read the book on how to stop ADHD and had a question about supplements. I noticed that you said that you have not used Cod Liver Oil. I happen to take it and I have been trying to get my kids to take it. I was wondering if I could use it in place of the marine oil or do I need to get the marine oil? I would be interested to know. My son shows signs of going down the ADHD road (I am an elementary classroom teacher-so I know the signs), and I want to stop it now before it gets out of control and he cannot be successful in school and life. My whole family is on board with the lifestyle change, but I’d like to get his supplements correct.

-For our ADHD patients, we use Biomega-3 liquid, which is ocean-based anchovy and sardine and flax oil. Cod liver oil is ok, just make sure that it is ocean/wild caught and has no additional fillers.

3. I get very hungry or the munchies in the evening which sabotages my daily diet to lose weight. I eat healthy during the day, but at night I get really hungry for sweets and carbs like chips and bread with jelly. Do you recommend anything to help this, thank you for your help.

-Get rid of all of the chips and junk food! Buy fresh vegetables (baby tomatoes, celery, snap peas) instead. (You can do it!)

4. How does Dr Bob’s healthful things help women who have had breast cancer and can’t and don’t take hormone replacement? Is there other items to consider?

-We promote optimal adrenal gland function. Make sure you are taking pantothenic B5, and eating bell peppers (orange, red, yellow).

5. I am a young woman who has large uterine fibroids, and I am beginning to follow your instructions concerning detoxing my liver with the milk thistle and dandelion root herbs. However, I read today that milk thistle is not recommended for women with uterine fibroids. Could you offer some guidance about milk thistle and uterine fibroids?

-Milk thistle and dandelion help to detox your liver. In addition, I recommend using the castor oil pack 2-3x a week. Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower also help to process estrogen.

6. Hi, I love your website. Thank you. I am a 58 year old woman. I have a noticeable goitre approximately a golf ball size on the the right side.

-I would consider a few tests: TSH, T3, T4 and a TPO for Hashimoto’s, and a urine-iodine loading test.

-Eliminate gluten

-Eat broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower (saute or cook)

Thank you for your questions this week. If you have any general health-related questions, you can ask them on my Facebook page.

Dr. Bob

1 comment

  1. Dear Dr. Bob

    What do you recommend for serious pain caused by blepharitis of the eye. I can’t take most over the counter or pain rx’s as I vomit them. I’m a very active (was artist until this) person, 79 years young. Please help me. I’ve tried so many naturopathic preparations plus doxicycline for 3-4 mouth plus all of the over the counter ointments and drops to no avail. I am however not bothered by the crusty, yellow discharge which my accompany this condition – Thank our Heavenly Father. Amen. Love you site.. thank you again.
    Gini W.

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