#AskDrBob-March 20th

#AskDrBob-March 20th

These were the questions that were sent in by our audience within the past few weeks. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have a general health question, please email us at askdrbob at druglessdoctor dot com, you’ll be glad you did!


-Hello Dr. Bob. I’m wondering what your average meal in a day is, in an interview you talked about eating too much fruit will cause inflammation, you also stated that all you eat/need is half an apple. To my own research, this is not enough fruit for a day. Eating an all raw vegan diet will lower inflammation, and eating more fruit than meat will do this too. I am also talking about organic food only, GM food will cause inflammation and many other health problems. I would like to hear your ideas on this.

I have noticed practice members who eat fruit have pain and inflammation.

-I recently watched one of your videos where you talked about mercury fillings. My mother has some and  plan to have them removed soon. My question is…Can you pass the toxins from the filings to your unborn child? If you can then how would I know how much I have and if there is any way to rid my body of these? I am 43 and have been a diabetic since I was 5, which makes me wonder, could this be why my pancreas does not function.

Dental amalgam fillings contain mercury and other metals. It can pass through the placenta into fetal circulation and passes into the milk during breast-feeding. If you have a serious dental condition, we use Chlorella.

-I haven’t been able to sleep on my left side. When I do it seems I get congestion in my heart and the sensation of burning in the hollow of my left shoulder/upper chest. I sit up and I am fine after a few minutes. Due to this problem I have been sleeping sitting up for quite some time, now. I recently increased my Vitamin D3 (5000), and I know my thyroid is not satisfied with my regiment as it ‘gurgles’ at night and sometimes feels swollen and hurts. It seems the more I supplement it the more it wants. I have been taking SP Prolamine Iodine (1 tabs 2 times daily), SP Organically Bound Minerals (1 tab 2-3 times daily), SP Drenatrophin PMG (2 tabs 2-3 times daily), Selenium 100 mcg. I had been suffering from what I thought was adrenal exhaustion and could never stay awake once I sat down. Falling asleep was never a problem. Some nights my ‘congestion’ wakes me up and sometimes I wake up due to my thyroid hurting and/or gurgling. I can’t seem to sleep. Sometimes it is way past bedtime (1 am) and I know I should be sleeping, but I can’t fall asleep. Often at these times I feel like every cell is shaking. This is not normal for me. I am planning to get the TSH, T3 and T4 tests [QUESTION but what are your thoughts about the ‘congestion’ when I lay on my left side and the burning. I have only been taking 5000 IU Vitamin D3 for about 2 weeks. I was taking only 2000 IU prior. I also take colloidal minerals.

Pain while sleeping or lying on your left side can be a structural problem and not necessarily a heart challenge.

-Do you have any tips to share about macular degeneration other than the injections?

Macular degeneration is helped with green, cruciferous vegetables. We also use Optic Plus.

-What about ALS Dr. Bob? Should MS and ALS be talked about together?

Yes, MS and ALS would be grouped the same.

-What can you do for puffy eyes?

Puffy eyes typically is kidney and fluid retention. I would recommend Celtic Sea Salt, protein, and Carbamide, and a kidney support.

-Thank you for addressing my naltrexone question, but I was referring to LDN Low dose Naltrexone (.5-4.5 mgs, not 50 for pain and MS. I have had fibromyalgia for years due to chronic Lyme disease. I am desperate to relieve the pain and feel normal again.

For fibromyalgia, we suggest no fruit or sugar and Li-Zyme Forte. Also, Lyme disease can be challenging. We use POA-Phytolens for our practice members who have had that condition.

-My co-op friend posted an article …one of your articles, in this months co-op food list. I am so tired of being so out of shape with so many things wrong with me. endocrinologist that I went to said nothing was wrong with me, and had blood work done…and I never went back. I went to a holistic counselor…but she is too far away. I don’t have the money to keep going to drs. my ankles are swollen all the time. my fingers are too. my legs are. my neck it. actually, the endocrinologist had me have an ultrasound of my thyroid. she said it was enlarged, and had a cyst on one side and a nodule on the other. but nothing to worry about.

My neck is fat…swollen. I have a lump under my chin. my face has been red for years. i’m overweight. I buy organic…but the organic co-op is only once a month. my husband shops the rest of the time. mostly bread/boxed, junk, soda…i’ve tried for years to get him to support me and buy healthy …he wont eat most of what I buy as organic. I eat gluten free udi’s…but also a lot of times i’m eating stuff with gluten…or I run out of my food and eat the white, gluten, or chips and hamburger, bread when we eat out. mostly because I give up. i’ve tried so many times, and am overwhelmed with stress and eating whatever my husband brings home. I look just awful…its so depressing. I get out of breath quickly, and its freezing cold her -upstate ny, for so many months.i don’t get out to walk because its cold, icy and no sidewalk on my street. i’m tired all the time. i take magnesium, zinc, calcium..holistic counselor advised. and iodine/iodide supplement for thyroid. when i use salt i use celtic sea salt. nothing helps me. mostly because i don’t get the exercise, i don’t eat/drink what i’m suppose to all the time. i have no support from husband.

Thyroid dysfunction can create a lot of distress. We look at your T3, T4 and TSH and then plan accordingly. I recommend stopping all gluten and fruit consumption to begin.