#AskDrBob-March 27th

#AskDrBob-March 27th

These were the questions that were sent in by our audience within the past few weeks. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have a general health question, please email us at customercare at druglessdoctor dot com, you’ll be glad you did!


-What supplements do you suggest to heal a broken wrist and to strengthen it?

Like in any condition, your body needs adequate time to heal. That said, we do use Osteo-B II that has various calciums.

-I recently went dairy free but I’ve been trying to replace cream in my morning coffee with homemade coconut milk. I’ve also been really enjoying fresh almond milk and could drink 24 oz. daily if I don’t watch it! I was wondering if there’s a limit to how much almond or coconut milk one should consume per day? It has helped relieve my dairy fillings but I’m worried I’ve only replaced it with another. Thank you!

I would only use it sparingly.

-I am reading Dr. Bob’s devotional. He recommends Celtic Sea Salt. Is this better than Pink Himalayan or are they comparable?

I am not an expert in the Himalayan salt, but we have been pleased with Celtic Sea Salt.

-What are your thoughts on raw goat’s milk?

I would not become dependent on goat’s milk, focus on greens for calcium instead.

-What is your insight on HCG for weight loss?

I would not use HCG for weight loss.

-How do you treat lupus?

Focus on your adrenals and remove all sugar.


  1. I, too was using lots of cream (as in “heavy” cream, not milk) in coffee. The new Silk brand Almond creamer is pretty good, as is the coconut based one – neither is GMO. Neither gives the creamy feel, however, but I have a solution – try adding a spoon of extra virgin coconut oil, as well!

    This is akin to the new MCT Coffee craze, I discovered, and yes, it really does seem to keep me feeling full longer. I sometimes add a spoon of coconut cream, too, but one gets weary of coconut-everything. It does make coffee (and chai) creamier though. There is a mouth feel issue as well as the taste of cream issue – these seem to fulfill both wants.

    BTW – Starbucks has organic coffee, “Yukon” and they will make a pour-over any time for you. No need to abandon the cafe collective, now. 🙂 Have not looked at their new coconut milk option – the soy is non GMO, but we shun soy for its estrogenic gifts and thyroid choking properties.

  2. Osteoporosis questions:
    1) Could you please say something about what these bisphenol drugs really ARE? Is it true they are in DETERGENT? Eeeek!
    2) What does this class of drugs really do to our bodies, as it stifles our osteoblasts and makes brittle bones? It retains the old, porous bone – but is that all?
    3) For those already with such drug-affected bones – how can they regain bone flexibility and proper remineralization?

    (glad that’s one problem I missed out on, being disobedient on that account – the Boniva is still in my cupboard, 6 years later)

    Is there a test we can ask an MD for to assess how much calcium or other minerals we are losing?

  3. Sorry, my typo – wrong bad chemical – I meant these lovelies:
    “Bisphophonates, such as Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Reclast, etc. stop new bone from forming and leave you with old dried-up and brittle bones that are more prone to fracture. “

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