#AskDrBob-March 7th

Ask Dr. Bob March 7, 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.



1. My 23 year old daughter is beginning to have a faint mustache. Can you help?

A mustache in females would result from a pituitary hyperfunction. We would do blood and saliva assessment to start to determine how we could help further.

2. How can I clear up acne?

From my experience, acne is caused from a plugged up liver. If the liver is toxic, that can also impact the brain/hormones/mustache, too.

3. A question combination of hives/gallbladder/etc.

Usually hives are an adrenal gland challenge or low calcium (cramps in legs).

4. Dr. Bob, what can you tell me about nightshades?

Nightshades are tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplant, and green peppers. They can cause distress if your liver is plugged up.

5. What causes IBS?

From my experience, IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) is caused by dairy and wheat products. Other catalysts of IBS include eating wild game, having parasites, and owning cats. Here is my “Get To Know” on IBS from last year.

6. How do you relieve a fatty liver?

I would stop consuming sugar and trans fat. Medication can cause your liver stress (I cannot tell you to stop taking your medication, however). Milk thistle, and Dr. Bob’s ABC’s will help your liver with drugless principles.

7. Thanks for this information Dr. Bob. What foods and supplements would you suggest to clean out plaque and calcium deposits from clogged arteries? And anything else you would suggest. I am 62 years young. (male)

Your arteries are clogged because of inflammation. I would recommend an essential fatty acid profile, which determines the amount of oil your body has or does not have. Also, I would recommend EFA and a hair analysis.

8. I am being watched for glaucoma in my one eye. I am 67 years old and in good health otherwise. What naturally would you recommend that I do for my eyes?

9. I recently had blood work done and my doctor told me that my cholesterol was high and that he would give me a month to lower it. I exercise avidly and generally eat a healthy diet although I do like chocolate. What might you recommend that I do to eliminate going on medicine.

Cholesterol will elevate under stress. I would recommend 1/3 cup of beet fiber per day, and no sugar or trans fat. You can watch my GTK Cholesterol here for more cholesterol information.


  1. How to treat anxiety,… I am much better now since eating healthy and exercises are part of my life. Since I was young my hands feels always cold……my body can’t regulate temperatures well especially heat. One time when I was having lots if anxiety I told the dr to do all my thyroid test… My TSH was almost 8…t3 and t4 within normal range.. Two weeks latter test were repeat and all came back normal….TSH was like 3.
    Endroconologist insisted my anxiety has nothing to do with my thyroid…..am not convince of that. Few years back a sonogram was done and I have two very small nodules ….looks benign still dr said this find it’s common in women after 60 years old. Also, when I was young I had problems with ovaries cysts, one time needed surgery. When I get anxious I know my TSH number gets to 6 or higher……any advices? Thanks


  2. My Eyes burns a lot and have pressure in my eyes. Lately i had still have high blood pressure.
    I have high cholesterol too and am over weight too. i am 62 year old.

    I have started light yoga, walking and breathing exercise. What should i do about my eyes?
    Any suggestion? Thanks.
    ila shah

  3. What is the protocol for someone with mild dementia or alzheimers? Besides taking vitamin D3, I’ve heard of vitamin E. But what form and how much should be taken? What about coconut oil and any dietary strategies that could be helpful.

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