#AskDrBob-November 1st

Ask Dr. Bob November 1, 2013

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.

1. I have a question about iodine. They found a fibroid in my uterus, and I know you keep talking about iodine. I also know you sell it on your site, but before I purchase it, how much do I take? What the mg. that you suggest each day? Thank you Dr. Bob.

That is a sign of too much estrogen. We use Ca-D Glucarate to help remove excess estrogen. I personally use 12 mg of iodine daily. The best way to determine the amount of iodine you need can best be determined by a urine-iodine loading test.

2. PCOS Information

From my experience, PCOS is from a lack iodine. You might consider a urine-iodine loading test. I also recommend a shower dechlorinator, drink water from reverse osmosis and a few other tips.

3. Other than the ABCs, what else should I be eating on a daily basis for optimal health?

Non-starchy vegetables and organic protein (animal products).

4. Is D3 caplets a good source of vitamin D if you are not getting it from the sun, and how much do I take?

I use vitamin D drops on my tongue. I encourage yearly D testing, with an optimal number of 40.

5. I am 43 years old and my globulin is 3.3 and my albumin is 3.7. I have had digestive issues and constipation all my life. I have a slow digestive system and have been suggested to take a fiber supplement daily by my Dr. What would you suggest?

Limit your sugar. Eat more protein (organic animal protein)

6. Are you able to substitute lemon with a lime instead? (hot water and lemon in the morning)

Lime has less vitamin C than a lemon.

7. In regards to making the protein spray for your hair, the recommended website is down and does not contain any info on this. Can you tell us how to use the drops to make a protein hair mixture?

Spritz our Amino Quick Sorb, and I intake Calorad every morning and evening.

8. I am in a current IVF cycle. Other than ABCs, what else should I be eating on a daily basis for optimal health? Thanks!

Green vegetables, and organic protein. Make sure that you are taking iodine.


  1. I am retaining a lot of water, especially round my ankles and feet, how can I get rid of the water, without tking doctors tbs (drugs) I do not do those things, would rather take something natural. It is worse during the hot days. Thank you for your web page its really great to read about all the natural way to keep healthy. I have been on vits for +- 30 years, do not have medical aid, so have to look after my health.

  2. ‘STROKES’ caused by ‘TUNGSTEN'(metal) in water (re:www.news9.com). Are we ‘exposing’ ourselves in other ways,such as using phones?

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