#AskDrBob-November 7th

#AskDrBob-November 7, 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


Is it good to drink vinegar water the first thing in the morning and before meals? Does this help the body become alkaline?

Vinegar is make your body acid. To make your body alkaline, eat green-based vegetables (kale, spinach, collard greens). Also, add a digestive enzyme, and do not drink water with your meals.

Hi Dr. Bob, I would like to know if there is any way that dandruff can be eliminated from the hair follicle through diet or some organic shampoo or hair treatment? Since its leading to baldness in the hair analysis done by the cosmetologist today. Please advice doctor I would not like to take those treatments.

Dandruff is actually an inside-out problem. Your body needs more oil, and the best oil to help is Blackcurrant Seed Oil, which includes all three omega oils (3, 6, 9).

Dr. Bob, My son 10yrs old has knots growing around his toes, knees, wrist area, and upper arm. He has been diagnosed with osteochondrmas. Is there anything I can do to get rid of them or to prevent them getting bigger or developing new ones?

I would first check his thyroid, then check for parasites (Contact us for protocol). Common carriers of parasites that I see often include a domestic cat, and consumption of wild game and sushi.

I have been experiencing itching in the rectum, could I be parasites or other? What do you think about people taking 35% peroxide? Is it good to take acv on a daily basis and\or would it counteract candidiasis problems?

An itching rectum usually is a body signal of an acid colon. We have seen success in our practice members with Zymex Wafers (Contact us) and a probiotic, which helps the flora in your colon.

I tuned in to “Today With Marilyn & Sarah” this morning and you were their guest! I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease but do NOT take any medication! Basically no flares for the past year, thankfully! My question for you is would I benefit from your apple, beet and carrot regimen?

My ABC’s will help (½ red apple, 1 medium carrot, ⅓ cup beet fiber daily). I would also get off gluten and dairy.

Dr Bob, please How can I get rid of fibriod?

A fibroid is caused from too much estrogen. Focus on cleaning your liver (milk thistle). Also, check your estrogen levels, eat my ABC’s. Your goal is to reduce estrogen in your body. I go into more detail in my “Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”.

I’ve been on synthroid for over 37 years I would like to naturally heal my thyroid, if possible.

Yes, it can be done. Check your thyroid TSH T3 T4, also TPO and Thyroid Binding Globulin (Contact Us). Once I know, we can assist you further.

I burp and pass gas frequently. Also feel bloated frequently. Have been diagnosed with acid reflux. Take med for it daily. Any helpful suggestions?

One of the leading causes of gas is consuming gluten and dairy. Also, your liver might be functioning poorly. I would suggest eating ½ apple daily to assist with your body’s bile. If you pass gas immediately after eating, your body needs digestive enzymes. If it is 2-3 hours after eating, it is a gallbladder concern.

Why do I feel like my facial skin is drying up right after drinking espresso coffee? Is it the PH of the coffee that’s creating that effect or it’s draining minerals like calcium out of the tissues?

I would suggest drinking more water. (1 quart per day).

My 32 year old son eats REALLY clean – no dairy, minimal wheat, no processed food, no added sugar, no soda, healthy fats (olive oil and coconut oil), nuts and seeds, smoothies, etc. He’s always hungry and feels like hes not absorbing nutrients. Do you have any suggestions?

I would check your son for parasites (Contact us), and add Agrisept-L.

Hello, Dr. I have been enduring a condition for about two years (I can’t remember the physicians term) but I remember it was called a horsetail from my former chiropractor. I have since seen several chiropractors since that time and no one has been able to relieve the tightness in my feet. I have been exercising to strengthen my core and it has helped some but not to the point of relief. Please tell me what can I do.

I would recommend an exercise called the “Cat-Stretch” (more information in video).

I have been suffering on and off for the last ten years with Lichen Planus, originally I thought I had candida issues but my doctor now believes the rash on my penis and my thighs is Lichen Planus. I have been off gluten and Dairy for a week, how long will it take until I see progress If I am going to get any progress from omitting these products? I have eaten a lot of potatoes over the last three days and my skin has flared really bad so now I have to leave nightshades out too, does it take months before I will see results ? what is the minimum time before results will be seen ? thanks in advance for you help, this is ruining my life and I am at my wits end.

We have had great success with Lichen Planus with Agrisept-L. I would also add a probiotic, and get off ALL yeast products.


  1. Hi. I saw you on Marylyn hickey. I am supplementing with breastfeeding. My baby
    Just turned 4 months. Does breastfeeding make it difficult
    For some to lose weight. Am I producing too much
    Estrogen because I nurse and can’t lose weight?

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