#AskDrBob-October 31st

#AskDrBob- November 1, 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


Dr. Bob, I am blowing my nose constantly when I get up in the morning for at least an hour. What is going on?

I would remove peanut butter, dairy, and wheat from your diet, and I’m sure you will see an improvement.

Hey Dr. Bob, I was dx with subclinical hypothyroidism two years ago, and am on 25 mcg of Synthroid. I still get really cold hands/feet and my Dr. says my labs are “fine”. I’m on a NAS diet to reduce my blood pressure, and my Dr. checks only T3 and T4. I am taking 1,000 mg of D3 per day contained in my multi. Should I also take a separate D vitamin and have the other Thyroid levels checked?

I would suggest a TSH T3 T4 TPO and a thyroid globulin (more info in video). GTA is the product I discussed.

It often takes me many hours to fall asleep and then I wake up many times during the night. Help!

You might have too much copper and not enough zinc, which can come from consuming wheat products. Eating products with sugar can also exhaust your adrenal glands. Lastly, you might have parasites, which we can help by calling our office.

Cucumbers are not really fresh/in season the last few times I went to shop. What are options in winter… Can you freeze cucumber?

I do not recommend freezing cucumber. For this season, focus on squash, which are members of the same family.

Hey Dr Bob! One of my friends who is 30 years old recently suffered from a phlebitis which resulted in a pulmonary embolism.. All around he’s in pretty good physical shape.. skinny guy, very active.. He told me that this thing runs in his family.. Do you know what causes his blood to clot like this?

I would suggest an EFA Bloodspot test for your friend. His body is in need of oil.

I am 13.5 weeks pregnant and my lips, tongue and throat were burning. I thought it was candida but now now so sure. What should I do? I am desperate and my regular doctors think I am crazy. Thanks!

I would suggest Vitamin B, which will help burning sensations.

I just found out I have non-toxic multi-nodular goiters. I have started treating them by making dietary changes (GF/DF/SugarF/SoyF) and taking Thyrocsin. Is there anything else I should change/do different?

Any thyroid issue, I would encourage iodine in your system. Of course, have your TSH T3 T4 tested.

Any suggestions for bladder-spasms without infections?

Vitamin B would improve and get off wheat and dairy.

Dear Dr. Bob, My brother has swollen lymph nodes in his neck on both sides, one under his left arm, and in his groin area. He has seen an M.D.for these abnormalities but only given antibiotics. This has not improved much. A bit of swelling has decreased. But the Dr. will not give him another Rx of antibiotics. He has referred him to a Specialist.What do you recommend for treatment for him? My brother is 69. He is very stressed out about this problem.I have faith in your ability to heal the body. Please advise. Thanking you in advance.

If your liver is compromised, get off sugar and dairy, and drink water. (More info in video). You can also call our office for more information.


  1. I have been experiencing itching in the rectum, could I be parasites or other? What do you think about people taking 35% peroxide? Is it good to take acv on a daily basis and\or would it counteract candidiasis problems?

    Thank you.

  2. HI Dr Bob,
    I have been suffering on and off for the last ten years with Lichen Planus, originally I thought I had candida issues but my doctor now believes the rash on my penis and my thighs is Lichen Planus. I have been off gluten and Dairy for a week, how long will it take until I see progress If I am going to get any progress from omitting these products ? I have eaten a lot of potatoes over the last three days and my skin has flared really bad so now I have to leave nightshades out too, does it take months before I will see results ? what is the minimum time before results will be seen ? thanks in advance for you help, this is ruining my life and I am at my wits end.

  3. DB when is that please ? my skin is driving me insane, I feel like I am making progress and then it flares again, it is ruining my life, please don’t make me wait, if you have some valuable input for me would you mind mailing me privately please ? I feel like I am cracking up.

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