#AskDrBob-September 20th

Ask Dr. Bob September 20, 2013

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.

1. I was wondering if you are familiar with the genetic mutation called MTHFR. I have two mutations of this and I am supposed to take a methyl type folate and B12. These supplements are supposedly easier for the body to absorb. Do you think taking these vitamins is safe in the methyl form/synthetic?

I really prefer whole food.  We use a sublingual B12. I would encourage a CBC with a differential.

B12 Lozenges

2. (Insomnia based) I take 2mg of Lunesta almost everyday. My parents have chronic insomnia, and it runs in my family, any suggestions?

-Adrenal Gland Stress-when they are exhausted there is more potential to have sleep issues.

If you wake up at 2-3 AM every night, there might be blood sugar stress.

3. DO ‘ROOT CANALS’ cause problems (&/or do they contain mercury)?? 

Root canals can alter the electric energy movement in the body.

“It’s All in Your Head” book.

4. What causes bags under eyes?

Kidney, adrenal stress, and sleep deprivation.

5. What is a Castor Oil Pack ?

We have used this for a long time in our practice. Castor oil has Ricinoleic acid and promotes healing. Here’s an article with more information: https://druglessdoctor.com/article/dr-bob-approved-liver-treatment/

6. In your book Balancing Female Hormones you stated “Eating only three foods can stop human breast cancer cells in their tracks. Adding broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower to your salad or eating them as a side dish can dramatically reduce your risk of developing estrogen induced breast cancer.”

I currently take Levothroxine 50 mcg and I has always heard the following statement “If you have an under active thyroid gland, avoid consuming large quantities of goitrogens. These are substances that can suppress the thyroid gland if you consume enough of them. Foods rich in goitrogens include raw cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.”

Do you agree with this statement if you do what other vegetable can I eat that would replace broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower for prevention of breast cancer?

7. IS it normal to loose sense of smell or taste b4 age 50?

8. The next question is from this article: https://druglessdoctor.com/article/teeth-should-not-be-yellow/

“Dear Dr. Bob,

I have all of the above symptoms. I have been on synthroid and now armour thyroid for 32 years! I am now 54 years old. I have lost at least half of the hair on my head! I have never been able to get a doctor to listen to me because my blood work comes back in range. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Link to “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”

9. Do you know of any foods that trigger morning sickness (due to pregnancy), or even any natural remedies that can prevent morning sickness? 


I would first use one-fourth teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt in 20 to 24 ounces of water daily.

Some need more omega-3 oils like Optimal EFA’s 2 teaspoons daily.

Rule out ileo-cecal valve (ICV) dysfunction.

Chlorocaps or Chlorella Caps (3) between meals, Cytozyme-AD (6), Beta-TCP (6-12), Hydro-Zyme (6), B6 Phosphate (6-12), Mg-Zyme (3)

Secondary Support: Super Phosphozyme Liquid (1 dropper full) as needed for nausea, Phosphatidylcholine (3); Ginger, essential oils spray:  Lavender, Lemon, Dill, Cedarwood, Spearming; homeopathic Coculus Indicus

CHROMIUM PICOLINATE – Each capsule supplies 200 micrograms of chromium picolinate and 2 milligrams of vitamin B-6.  A well-absorbed form of chromium for use with bodybuilding, weight loss programs, decreased and increased blood sugar levels and morning sickness. One-two capsules, 3 times daily.

CHROMIUM, AQUEOUS – Each drop supplies 150 micrograms of trivalent chromium in a rapidly absorbed liquid form. Use with both decreased and increased blood sugar levels, morning sickness, low HDL with high cholesterol, pancreatic dysfunction and general fatigue. One-three drops per day. For fatigue and reactive hypoglycemia use with Amino Acid Quick Sorb.


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