#DruglessDetox-You Are What You Eat!

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Are you familiar with the phrase “Garbage in, garbage out”? Never has the phrase been more appropriate when it comes to what we put in (food and drink) and on (skin) than the present. This week’s focus for the #DruglessDetox is taken from my chapter “You Are What You Eat”, and we’ll be looking at factors which can be inhibiting our health.


Do you read the ingredient labels/Nutrition Facts which you purchase? I suggest you begin to do so, in order to know exactly what you are putting into your body. If there are ingredients that you cannot pronounce, they are most likely an additive. Food additives are chemical substances which are added to food to preserve, improve appearance, and generally make the product more appealing overall.

If you ever see a product you are considering to purchase that has a Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow and then a corresponding number, I would NOT purchase. These ingredients have been linked to hyperactivity and behavioral problems.

Picture Of Foods With Additives:

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Picture 120

However, there is one food additive that has proven to be detrimental, so much so, that it might be banned completely, and that is trans fat.

Trans fat, or partially hydrogenated oils, are one of the leading health challenges facing our society today. They are man-made and can create havoc on our detoxifying organs (liver, colon, and kidneys).

Additionally, they attempt to fool mother nature. Our bodies literally live and die at the cellular level, and the cells in our body become perplexed when trans fat is in abundance. In addition to raising your LDL cholesterol level creates these bodily complications:

-Inflammation response

-Small holes in your cell membrane

-Correlates to low birth rate

-Precipitates childhood asthma

-Decreases the red blood cells’ response to insulin

Our last focus for this post, is not necessarily from food, but from the containers they are packaged.

Estrogen overload is a major health challenge today, affecting both male and females of all ages, and Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA is disrupting hormone levels in everyone.

Exposure to BPA can occur from everyday things like car exhaust, conventional foods, fingernail polish, paints, and even magazine ink. BPA, from all of these, can contribute to a congested liver, leading to varicose veins, skin tabs on the neck and cherry hemangiomas (red dots on your body).

I know what you are thinking, and we all need to live life. Here are my takeaways for this post and how you can minimize the unnecessary additives in your daily environment.

-Avoid plastic containers made of polycarbonate. Any bottle or container made of polycarbonate on it has No.7 on the bottom.

-When you store food, use glass, porcelain, or stainless steel dishes.

-Don’t wash polycarbonate containers in the dishwasher. The detergent may break down the plastic, which would release BPA.

Videos For This Week’s #DruglessDetox

1. “Get To Know” Detoxification Part 3

2. #DruglessDetox-BPA

3. “Get To Know” Cholesterol

Additional #DruglessDetox Resources: 

-Toxicity Questionnaire

-Information about our Detox Bundle

-Detox Recipes


  1. Dr. Bob,

    Could you please clarify the following statement:

    If you ever see a product you are considering to purchase that has a Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow (Number??) and then a corresponding number.

    1. Hi Lynn,
      Sorry for any confusion. It was referring to food coloring additives (Red 3, Blue 1, Blue 2, Green 3, Orange B, Yellow 6, etc.). Hope this clears it up. DB

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