Hi Everyone!
This month is going to be great. We have new photos and videos to share and our live hangout at the end of the month will feature a giveaway from our friends at Swanson Health Products, which you will not want to miss. Also, visit our focus page where I go into more detail about breakfast and lunch meal planning.
Day 1: (Video promo for our April live event) Link here to watch it on sleep.
Day 2: Make a quality decision to add one new health pattern to your life per day, week, or month. Start now!
Day 3: Replace breakfast ‘Do-Nots’ with quinoa (it’s quite tasty), with almond butter and coconut oil.
Day 4, 5: Off
Day 6: Plan and purchase products to create one week of meals.
Day 7: God-made food from seed-bearing, organic sources is the right choice. Look at the PLU number on your produce: ‘9’ indicates organic, ‘8’ indicates genetically-altered, and all others, some additional chemical.