#OptimalU-Week 30 Recap

Hi Everyone!

In this week’s recap, we begin our August focus on children’s health, where we will be providing drugless tips to help your children have the healthiest lives possible. In case you missed last week’s #OptimalU event, you can watch it here. Enjoy!

Day 1: Hi Everyone! BBQ is a summer past time, but some of my practice members share that they have digestive distress after eating certain animal tissue. My #OptimalU for today is on page 151 and says: Evaluate your digestive response to any animal tissue you consume and be mindful of marinated products (their ingredients can include sugar, HFCS, and MSG).


Day 2: #TBT

Day 3: Hi Everyone! August is here (already), and with that comes a new #OptimalU focus, which is dedicated to kid’s health, and some of our closest family friends at Black Brain are going to be our ‘models’ for the month. Today’s takeaway is on page 298: Teething and bone growth require calcium. Childhood fevers often stabilize with calcium citrate or lactate.


Day 4, 5: Off

Day 6: Our August focus is on kid’s health, and today’s #OptimalU  is on page 299: Read ingredient labels. What is applied to the skin (baby oil/mineral oil, which is a commonly used petroleum ingredient), needs to be processed and incorporated into the cells or eliminated. Coconut oil is a safe alternative. Thank you Black Brain, Oti and Viviana!


Day 7: Hi Everyone! What you feed your kids can overwork their livers, even at a young age. That’s why my #OptimalU on page 294 today suggests: Your children will eat what they see you eat-so eat healthy foods!
