
#AskDrBob: AFib

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including AFib (Atrial fibrillation). If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

I sleep well, but after a couple of hours of being awake, I’m tired without energy?

Generally I have noticed those going to be for example at 10 pm and wake at 11 or an hour later usually need B vitamins.  Those going to be at 10 and wake at 1 to 2 am may be awake because of parasite activity and those waking at 3:30 am typically have blood sugar issues.

Hi Dr. Bob! I have a couple questions from friends who are not on the internet. What can you do if LDL cholesterol is raised up by oils?

The best answer I can give with oils creating an increased LDL is the fact they may have excessive omega-6 oils and a suggestion would be to have the Omega Test completed to see the exact levels of their omega-3 and 6 levels.

What’s the best things to do for dry eyes and also possible cataracts?

Dry eyes can be caused by lack of iodine, hyper adrenal activity; and I am seeing more with a history of Lasix surgery having dry eyes. I discuss cataracts in Dr. Bob Drugless Guide to Prevent Surgery. Cataracts increase when there is an imbalance of the calcium/phosphorus ratio with more calcium than phosphorus. It should be 10 parts calcium and 4 parts phosphorus. You may also consider an Opti-Chem Profile and reading my Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones. 

What can I do for night or hot sweats?

We used iodine for female night sweats and/or support adrenal (see link above) function and/or recommend an omega-3 oil. The best way to find out what you need is to have either a Urine Iodine Loading Test to determine your iodine level and also the Omega Test (see link above) to see the exact levels of your omega-3 and 6 fats. You may also consider having a Saliva Female Hormone Panel to evaluate your hormone levels.  The above tests are essential to create an objective plan.

My husband and I have  been diagnosed with NAFLD but my enzymes are within normal ranges. I realize that that is misleading and therefore want to do everything I can to prevent the progression of the damage. I just watched your video and you mentioned the little cherry moles.  I have seen more come up within recent months. My question for you is what is a good brand of supplements to buy for liver treatment and how much beet fiber does one need to take per day?

I would suggest Phosphatidylcholine from Biotics Research Corporation, along with Calcium D-Glucarate and MCS2; all from Biotics.  I would also suggest reading my Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Detoxification.

What is the best medication for AFib?

I would need to know a bit more about you. We have a two-column questionnaire to determine the levels of different types of B’s that can when deficient result in atrial fibrillation (AFib).

Hi, we ahave a 9-month-old baby with a raspberry hemangioma on the top of her head. Right now it is about the size of a quarter, it has not stopped growing. We are currently giving her Propanalol for the Hemangioma but it has a great side effect in she is not sleeping with it, waking almost every other hour in the night.  I have taken her off it for a month and then on again when I see it is getting bigger. From my understanding, it is a beta-blocker, so here I am wondering if there is such a thing as a strong, natural beta-blocker for infants?

We use a product called ADHS from Biotics Research Corporation to reduce the impact from the adrenal glands.

My wife was diagnosed with AFib a few months ago. The heart specialist has her on Eliquist and Candasartan. Side effects are horrible. Her blood pressure stays pretty normal: 128 – 72 – 71. The doctor suggested trying taking her off Candasartan for a while but DO NOT TAKE OFF Eliquist. I surely believe an alternative is available. We thank you for the ABC information it has worked for both of us. 

See my answer above (AFib): We use a questionnaire for our patient’s clients to see what areas they may have a deficiency in for the various types of B vitamins. Contact for the questionnaire.

I have a question about ligaments- what causes them to stiffen and what is good for the health of the ligament?

I have found the leading cause of morning stiffness is an imbalance of Calcium and phosphorus; those with morning stiffness tend to need phosphorus.  Also, we may use a product called Niacinamide for morning stiffness.


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