Anti-Parasitic Diet

Anti-Parasitic Diet

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including the anti-parasitic diet. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

I know that sleep deprivation can contribute to health issues. My problem is not really sleep but getting up to go to the bathroom at night. Sometimes 2-3 times. I hate that it is disturbing my sleep cycle. I have tried not drinking water 3 hours before bedtime, but it just seems that nothing I do helps. I was wondering if you have a natural solution to strengthening the bladder. Thank you so much! 

I am not sure if this was a male of female? If it is a male you could have swelling of your prostate. If this is a female you could have a low grade bladder infection. Either way, I would stop drinking sparkling water before bed. I have noticed it increases my own “trips” to the bathroom on the late dinner or early evening of consuming; more that coffee. (Contact Us for Urine Tests)

Can you tell me what causes cracks or grooves in the tongue and what can be done to heal and prevent them? I have been to my regular doctor and he just told me to brush my tongue. It helped a bit at first, but never really solved the problem! Researching online, they say it is benign- but I sure would like it to go away.

I have seen a need for B Vitamins. I would need to know more about you. I learned in my Doctor of Natural Health studies how important the tongue is; a thick pasty tongue suggests toxicity. I would need to know your labs etc. You may consider scheduling a personal consultation (see below) with me.  You may also consider a CBC with differential.

Hi Dr. Bob, my brother is losing some of his teeth due to bone loss. What could be the cause? Also, he takes high blood pressure medication and drinks alcohol. Thank you.

I would look at the side effects; really the bad effects of the medications he is on.  I am seeing more and more patients now that are experiencing health challenges because of their medications. Your may consider an Opti-Chem Profile, and reading my “Guide to Prevent Surgery,” the Cataracts chapter.

What foods can we eat that are anti-parasitic? Thank you!

From what I have discovered and learned over time; parasites do not care for sulfur.  Common foods with sulfur include eggs, onion, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radishes and nuts like Brazil nuts.

I have had sciatic pain for three years, what can I do? 

I would consider sending me your films, schedule a consult, and reading my “Guide to Prevent Surgery,” (see above) the Spinal Surgery chapter.

How do I cure my ADHD? 

I like to say, help “manage” ADHD. You can begin my reading my “Guide to Stop ADHD in 18 Days.” It all comes down to fat metabolism. You want to make sure you have enough DHA in your body and it needs to be created properly.

I saw you in Naples a couple of weeks ago and you said people with Hashimoto’s love gluten… but does that mean they shouldn’t have it? Why do they love gluten? 

I want to reframe the statement. What I have seen, people who have Hashimoto’s tend to eat gluten. But I also know people who love gluten usually have a yeast issue. They like to eat pizza and all kinds of bread. So the yeast issue causes your body to crave more yeast, which is going to be bread and gluten, which plugs up the little villi in your intestine so you cannot absorb nutrients and it causes this cascade and eventually potentially a leaky gut syndrome that in your body starts attacking itself. So you want to go back and listen to this.

Dr. Bob, my daughter just had a son two weeks ago and she is feeling depressed. What can I do? 

The liver may be compromised, and they do not have enough of the proper oil. You may consider an Omega Test (More info in video)


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