
Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including appendicitis. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present them in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
What do you suggest for one with bone spurs and plantar fasciitis? I woke up and about fell to the floor. The pain is excruciating, and the gel cups are barely enough to get by. It’s starting to now migrate up the leg behind the knee area with a pulling sensation.
The two conditions are not necessarily the same. I have seen bone spurs w/o symptoms and fasciitis without a spur. With that said, I have noticed those with inflammation on their feet tend to have whole body inflammation. I would avoid sugar and dairy. We suggest Bio-CMP, at least three daily to support tissue inflammation. Also, Biomega-1000 which provides omega-3 fat is helpful. You may consider a food sensitivity test to rule out a food challenge. And finally, because we also utilize spinal function, you want to be evaluated by a skilled Chiropractor.
Lately there are many people getting appendicitis and getting surgery. What causes this to happen?
For appendicitis, I have found historically people do not eat enough living whole food- too many toxins are consumed. Think of the appendix as a miniature incinerator destroying debris.
Can you explain how the heart is impacted by food?
There are a lot of possibilities. For example wheat and sugar depletes the body of minerals and B vitamins. On the heart sound recorder, the graph which is created by heart sound is wider for example because the body does not have enough nutrients to create a crisp smooth closure. Also, when the liver is congested for whatever reason, there is a visible hesitation or increase noticeable at the end of the first heart sound.
Thank you all for watching. To help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).