Beta Blocker

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including on a beta blocker. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

Help!!! I’m a 56 yr. old female on a beta blocker for high BP since age 24.

  1. Why does my heart act badly if I’m awakened after only a few minutes sleep?
  2. What should I do to correct this (other than wait for the family to go to bed first so they don’t wake me up?

My cardiologist and primary care physician have had no answers in the past and holter monitor was fine. Stress test showed my oxygen levels desaturating and holding at 82% 6 1/2 minutes on treadmill (I had no air to continue the treadmill test but had plenty of energy and never broke a sweat). Thank you.

We use a tool at our practice, which is a Heart Sound Recorder – you may have altered function because of a mineral need. We usually see that with those body signals. Also, we look at blood chemistries, and notice when the GTTP is low, it may suggest a magnesium need and/or low thyroid. You may consider coming to visit us in Florida or Ohio.

Greetings! Someone I know has a possibility of having prostate cancer because his father died because of it, and now recently got his PSA checked because of back pain. The result was PSA 33, and it’s super high. He underwent a bone scan immediately because of the back pain. The result was negative. Bone scan was done first because its the earliest scan they could do because of the availability. But he is about to get MRI and CT Scan this July. My question is what is the best way to generally cure prostate cancer?

I will encourage him soon to avail your wellness consultation so he could get specific tips on how to treat cancer if its very certain he has after the follow up tests.

For prostate health, we work on lowering estrogen and support liver function – we use iodine to help. He may consider a Urine Iodine Loading Test.

I recently visited a Podiatrist and he checked the big toe of my right foot, I was told I needed the “Mercedes” surgery to shave off the bone at the joint that is sticking out then move my toe back into its correct position, I would have to use crutches to get around for two months and no putting pressure on my foot after surgery. I would like a second opinion on this. Do you recommend surgery? Or some other alternative like a splint to support the toe for proper alignment. Thank you for your help

I do not know enough about you to suggest to have the surgery or not. The real fact comes down to the skill set of the physician. I have seen some excellent results, while other recipients become plagued with the misery of a poor surgery.

I watched a video of yours about DIM. I did not get a solid answer from it about if it is OK to take or not. Thanks for your time 🙂

We personally do not use DIM in our office. We focus on supporting liver function to clear estrogen.

You recently had a shake the head video on strawberries—can you explain why fruit creates pain?

I discovered in the late 1980’s, patients came to my office presenting with chronic left neck and mid back pain. I was intuitively directed to look at my embryology book from college and noticed the pancreas mid back pattern. Over time, I realized fruit, white potatoes, yogurt, and any item placing a demand on the pancreas, could in fact cause pain. I am not saying fruit is bad, but just to enlighten every one of the facts that chronic pain can be precipitated by what one consumes.


Thank you all for watching, to help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).

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