![#AskDrBob: Candida](
Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including candida. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
Hello, I was plant-based for nearly a year, but recently incorporated organic meat and eggs after reading Dr Bob’s Balance Female Hormones book. Still dairy free. I cut out sugar and fruit ten days ago. I had blood work done for life insurance in April, and all results were in the green zone.
That being said, I’ll be 45 this year and am experiencing what seems like perimenopausal symptoms. Mood swings, insomnia, low libido, and I have had very heavy menses for three weeks out of the last month with some cramping in my lower back and abdomen. It’s draining me and concerning. I would rather not go to my OB/GYN where their solution would be meds and/or surgery.
My question is, does this sound out of the norm for my age? If I continue with my way of eating plus castor oil packs, could I hope to see a lessening of the symptoms? Or should I go ahead and call my doc?
I would suggest based on your history to create a health base line with an Opti-Chem Profile and completing a health assessment questionnaire. Insurance labs do not generally reveal the whole picture and rarely do they complete a Thyroid Panel.
Will zinc help candida?
Avoiding sugar is the best way to control and manage candida. Additional information and products (Agrisept-L, Caprin, CBC with Differential, in the video).
What are the best vitamins for hair and nails?
The most important is to have enough digestive enzymes to assimilate protein and minerals. We use a product called Hydro-Zyme, one with each meal. Inositol is also good to take. I would suggest 4 daily. Lastly, a blend of omega-3 and 6 oils is good – Optimal EFA’s at three daily.
Dr. Bob, I’m 67 years old, I haven’t had physical or have not been physical in many years. What tests should be done for vitamin D and cholesterol?
I would recommend the Opti-Chem Profile (see above or below for link) and our Vitamin D Test.
How can I improve my memory?
You need zinc We look at the Opti-Chem Orofile (see above or below for link) and if we see a low alkaline phosphatase which is an enzyme we would recommend zinc.
Thank you all for watching. To help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).
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