Dental Infection

Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including a dental infection. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present them in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
What can I do for my osteoarthritis? My doctor said there’s nothing he can do for me.
I have found overtime one of the leading causes of most arthritis issues can be traced to liver congestion.
Hello my name is Iris and I was listening to The Dr. Axe Show podcast and the Dr. DeMaria spoke about vitiligo. My daughter who is 11 yrs old got a spot about a year ago on the back of her arm (about the size of my thumb). I had asked her Dr. but he didn’t seem concerned about it. But Dr DeMaria brought it up on the show. What can I do to help my daughter to prevent it from getting worse and what is causing it?
First, I am not a dermatologist and I have not seen her skin. We use a product called Tyrosine to help support Thyroid and Adrenal function. Tyrosine does help create skin pigment.
I have sores inside mouth that the dermatologist said is planus lichen. The medication he suggested has not helped. I did not have the sores until they put me on a blood pressure medication last year. Do you know what will help this? Thanks so much for your help.
You may want to have a consultation (see below for link) with me that we could do some evaluating to see how your body is doing. But obviously the medication is placing a demand on your detoxifying organs and/or stress in your body.
Hi, my question for Dr Bob is what he recommends for a severe dental infection (nerve pulp root) derived from ear infection complication?
For any dental infection, we use a product called Agrisept-L which helps manage mouth flora. I also use Olive Leaf as a type of natural antibiotic.
Do you have any protocol for getting someone off a medication for anxiety? I have been on Zoloft over 10 years. I have weaned off many times only to take it again because my withdrawal symptoms were so bad. Any wisdom is welcome!
I would suggest you get my book; “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health”. And, when you are done we can set up a consultation.
Thank you all for watching. To help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).
Please consult your physician prior to adding any new supplements or vitamins to your nutrition regiment.