Fallopian Tubes

Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including blocked Fallopian tubes. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present them in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
Hello, Dr. Bob. Thank you for your videos and advice. My question is that I have head pounding not pain but feel pain everywhere and pounding. I had 4 months of chiropractic adjustments for my neck, sometimes good, sometimes bad. My right shoulder rhomboid pain everyday especially when I lift heavy. I don’t know what to do for my head, nerves?
Thank you for the contact, I would need to know a lot more about you to make any recommendations. It is possible you may have a food sensitivity?
My sister-in-law mentioned igG supplementation to me. What is it exactly and what are your thoughts?
From Biotics Research Corporation: Immuno-gG® supplies a supplemental source of immunoglobulin G from Bovine Colostrum. It is fortified with the amino acids L-Lysine and L-Arginine. As a source of colostrum, it provides support for healthy immune function. Colostrum supplies proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (antibodies) that support the immune system. The antibody levels in colostrum can be 100 times higher than that present in regular cow’s milk. Bovine colostrum may also be beneficial for boosting the immune system, healing injuries, repairing nervous system damage, for improving mood, and for facilitating a sense of wellbeing.
Hello! My 32 yr. old daughter is pregnant for the first time and has non stop nausea, constipation, and pain in her abdomen. She has been under chiropractic care, with little to no improvement. Please help! She has lost 20 pounds and is 12 weeks along. She cannot keep any supplements down.
It can be a lot of possibilities; we have had success with Bio-CMP, Celtic Sea Salt and Super Phosphozyme.
I watched your show on Marilyn and Sarah and I was captivated by the solutions that you have provided. I would like to make an inquiry. I have been told that my Fallopian tubes are blocked, is there a natural remedy for this?
Interesting – I have noticed those with low zinc have scarring or adhesions.
Thank you all for watching. To help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).
Please consult your physician prior to adding any new supplements or vitamins to your nutrition regiment.