
#AskDrBob: Tinnitus

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including gallstones. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

My son is “tortured” outbursts of painful sweating episodes, especially during the winter after coming in from outdoors into the indoor heat. He’ll suddenly burst out with prickling sweat/heat that causes him to itch and uncontrollably. Any help for him? What supplements will stop this awful problem?

It is possible he could have an autonomic nervous system imbalance with what we call parasympathetic dominance. I would suggest an Opti-Chem Profile and an Hair Analysis to evaluate mineral ratios. I usually encourage a personal consultation to determine the direction which would be the best. You may also start with the Cataract Chapter in my “Guide to Prevent Surgery,” as I go over the calcium/phosphorus ratio.

I drink 16 ounces of water twice a day with 1 teaspoon vitamin C, & 16 ounce of water once a day with 2 teaspoons CALM magnesium citrate. Could this count as part of my water intake? Thank you. 

In my opinion, yes.

Hello Dr. Bob! I have a neighbor friend of mine who told me that she just found out that she has gallstones and was in the ER for pain. Her doctor told her she will probably have to have her gallbladder out sometime soon! And I told her no, and not to do that! Can she dissolve her gallstones naturally?

I would encourage your friend to review the Gallbladder Chapter in “Dr. Bob’s Guide to Prevent Surgery.” That will help answer questions and create a plan for optimal gallbladder function.

Why can’t you eat fruit after a meal? When do you then eat it?

Eating fruit after a meal will impact food combining. Fruit will ferment on top of the food you ate.

It appears when I speak, especially when I’m asked questions, I pause a lot during answering. It’s like my mind freezes to the point where I cannot think. Or if somebody ask me a question my first words are the opposite of what it should be. For instance, if they ask, did anybody call for me today I will say No but in fact somebody did, and I tell them afterwards. My holistic doctor says it’s anxiety, but I’m not sure. I am thinking about going to a psychiatrist or a speech therapist. A while back I had noticed when I drink orange juice several days in row, it seems like I do not have that issue.

Well if the orange juice helps it could be a blood sugar issue? You may consider a Personal Consultation.

I’m depressed and need your help. My granddaughter is 13; she is very overweight (200lb). At age of 11 all of a sudden she started putting weight on and her craving for sugars got really bad and I don’t know what to do. I have her take B-vitamin and flax oil. I had her do some blood work and her Hemoglobin A1C is 5.3.

I would suggest you find a group in the area for children who have a weight issue and are working together in a positive social environment.

Hi Dr. Bob, my blood pressure was always the best part of me. I am now 71, and it has been creeping up. It’s now about 140/90. I don’t want to take meds, ever, but can you make any suggestions? I started drinking pomegranate juice.

A magnesium deficiency is common with blood pressure issues. We can evaluate this through an Opti-Chem Profile.

I am age 59 and has lived with deafness in my right ear and tinnitus also. At the age of 14, I had the mumps but did not have the vaccine at that time. When my dad took me outside, my right ear started closing up and deafness took place in that ear and a few weeks later I got a ringing in the ear. Now this week (January 2020), I got Tinnitus in my left ear. What do I need to do to get rid of the deafness and tinnitus? Thank you.

I would suggest you find a skilled Chiropractor in the area and have your spine checked. You may consider the FIT Test for food sensitivity, and limit the foods which show up that are positive. (Stay away from sugar, peanut butter, and dairy)

Hi Dr. Bob, I’m wondering why oatmeal is your number one enemy? It is not my number one enemy.

I have noticed those who consume it on a regular basis tend to be inflamed.


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Jan 15TH Breast Thermography with Debbie DeMaria

Feb 8TH 11TH 13TH 15TH 18TH 20TH

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April 11TH 14TH 16TH 18TH 21ST 23RD


Thank you all for watching, to help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).

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