Geographic Tongue

#AskDrBob: Geographic Tongue

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including a geographic tongue. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

I have what my doctor called Geographic Tongue. It’s difficult to eat foods with any rough texture and or sauce and anything with a pepper or spice seasoning. My tongue basically has little cuts in it and always seems raw.  Would you please give me any suggestions on how to help this. 

The tongue does reflect the metabolism in the body.  I would first suggest the FIT Test to see what foods you may be sensitive to?  When I was studying for my Doctor of Natural Health program I read a book called the “Answer to Cancer.” I discovered in my research how significant the appearance of the tongue is for one’s health.

How do you stop urinating so much during sleep?

I would not drink carbonated water before bed.  If you are male I would have our prostate checked.  I would need to know more about you. It is possible to have a low grade chronic bladder infection and or a food sensitivity.

My 14 year old daughter has bad acne with scarring. What do you suggest?

I would limit wheat products; pizza is probably one of the major foods causing this type of acne.  I also would avoid dairy products.


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