Heavy Metal Toxicity

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including heavy metal toxicity. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

I have a couple of blood spots under my skin that aren’t healing; I’ve had them for over a year now. What could you recommend I do?

It is possible that it could be too much estrogen. I would begin by cleaning up your liver. I go into more detail in my “Drugless Guide to Detoxification.”

Dr Bob, What do you think about the Nutri-System food and the turbo shakes for belly fat? Also, should I be doing sit ups or crunches to reduce my belly fat? My wife says set ups are hard on your back, so what do you think?

I do not know enough about what the program’s ingredients include.

Hi Dr Bob, I’m 56 and I am having lots of body pain. My back, my knees, my shoulders, they are real bad and into my fingers when I wake up on morning.  It’s really depressing to go through this every day. It’s been ongoing since 2015. I’m tired of this body pain. I’m from Trinidad in the Caribbean. Please help me.

I wrote “Dr. Bob’s Trans Fat Survival Guide.” There’s a chapter in the book called “Winning the Pain Game,” which you can download. I would avoid sugar, dairy, and gluten.

I had a blood and urine test. It came back with lead, barium and cadmium. I am having memory issues. What are my options for removing these toxins? The doctor who did the test gave me one only option to do Chelation IVs. I am not confident that this is my best solution. I would like your thought on this.

The first item on the agenda would be to see where the heavy metals are coming from. I would do this by working on your adrenal glands. Contact us for adrenal health and Chlorella.

I am on oxygen. I have COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. What can I take naturally to help my breathing? I keep going to the hospital. I also have congestive heart failure.

I would find a skilled chiropractor in your area. We use two products, Pneuma-Zyme and OOrganik 15.

I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus in 2010 and was advised to take hydroxychloroquine, which I never did because I was not dealing with any symptoms. In Summer 2018 I started getting symptoms such as joint pain, tiredness, etc. I went to see the doctor who said I should take these drugs. I’m managing the symptoms much better with daily juices (including ABC) and other natural remedies. Should I take the medicine (which I’m against), or could you please advise what I can do to take to prevent being on this drug for life (age 32!)? I have been advised that the meds can prevent flares and damaging of organs!

I would work on your adrenal gland function with ADB5 and avoiding sugar.

What can you recommend for a pregnant mother with bronchitis to do to get healed?

You must get away from sugar and stress, and have someone gently percuss your back.

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