Hormonal Acne

Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including hormonal acne. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
Hello. What kind of magnesium is best for hypothyroidism, Dr Bob? I have one with zinc and calcium.
We like to test each patient individually – from a food perspective, I recommend dark green leafy vegetables.
I’m a 39 years old woman who had a baby two and a half years ago. I’m plant based and I exercise regularly (3 times per week) sometimes 4-5. Anyway, since I have the baby since to be very challenging to recover my shape and my normal levels of cholesterol. Last blood results was 213 few days ago and also a little lower count of my white blood cell number. So I watched your video on YouTube about the liver was amazing to find myself agreeing everything that you said. I’m a little nervous since I never had white cells low count before. The doctor wants to re-do the test in about 6 weeks but I’m already panicking. Could you please give me any advice? I’m doing what I can and I know (I’m Holistic nutritionist coach).
There are a few possibilities – I would need to see the rest of your blood chemistries to make a personalized opinion. A cholesterol of 213 is within normal depending on the other markers like HDL and LDL. (More info in video – Contact Us)
Dr Bob. I am interested to get your take on Bio-energy Chiropractic. Thank you.
There are many ways to improve nervous system function. You would be best to find the one which aligns with your personal health goals.
What can I do about hormonal acne? I have high levels of testosterone and DHEA and have been struggling with acne for the past 7 years. I have read your female hormones book and have been following your healthy diet plan for the past couple weeks and seen no improvement in my skin. What supplements can I integrate into my daily routine? I understand that I need to clean my liver so I got the Livotrit Plus pills that you recommended. Is there anything else I should be taking?
High testosterone can be from an ovarian cyst and when DHEA is up, cortisol is down. I would stop eating sugar, support your liver, and consider a Thyroid Profile. (More info in video)
If I can figure out how to stop TMJ my headaches would stop Nothing I’ve tried has worked
I would encourage you to locate a skilled chiropractor and have films of your cervical spine, including motion films (Flexion/Extension).
Dr Bob, Just had my yearly check up and I’m having trouble getting my triglycerides down. My total cholesterol was 187, but my triglycerides was 322 up from 269 last year. What will bring this down I hope to get at or below 150. My sugar was down to 115 from 139 last yr. Hope you can help. Also does carbs make this happen? Because there is a lot of carbs in almost everything. Thank you.
We do have a protocol to assist in reducing triglycerides (Contact Us).
I’m scheduled for a colonic irrigation next week. My question is how long do I have to wait to do a liver /gallbladder flush? Do I have to wait weeks? Please advise. Thank you, Dr. Bob.
I would suggest focusing on cleaning up your diet first before you attempt a liver/gallbladder flush. Let your body adjust itself.
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