Iodine Allergy

#AskDrBob: Iodine Allergy

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including an iodine allergy. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

What is the best way to get the sleep you need; I find myself waking up at 3am or not sleeping at all.

You more than likely have blood sugar stress. We use a product at our practice called Bio-Glycozyme Forte. I would not eat anything sweet before bed, and cut back on juicing if that is something you do.

Dr Bob, what’s the best Vitamin B12 to take and do you need to take folic acid, too?

We use a sublingual vitamin B12 product. The correct amount to take is dependent on your uric acid level: MCH, MCHC, and MCV levels on an Opti-Chem Profile and CBC with Differential.

Does putting iodine in your belly button help with graying hair? Any other benefits? As I understand, a carrier oil should be used with it?

I have not heard putting iodine on one’s belly button helps with gray hair. Most individuals with gray hair are “slow oxidizers” with low minerals. I would suggest you may consider a Mineral Tissue Hair Analysis to evaluate the state of your metabolism.

What should I do if I’m allergic to iodine?

At our practice, we use a product called Cytozyme Parotid to help improve iodine physiology. I have seen those with sensitivity to iodine have excessive bromine, fluorine, and chlorine in their “environment” (pools, hot tubs, proximity to municipal water). I would suggest a shower dechlorinator. I personally have used one for years. You may also consider a Urine Iodine Loading Test.

My triglycerides are 445, so I’m going to cut out sugar. Do I also need to stop eating bread, pasta, potatoes also? I’m going to also cut my carbs try to keep it below 100 a day. Anything else I need to do?

I would suggest a Thyroid Panel, and a product we used called EFA Sirt.


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