Itchy All Over

Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including having an itchy feeling all over. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
I enjoy reading you on FB. I have been told I have hydrops and diet is the only thing I can do for it. Less than 2000 grams of salt a day no caffeine, no alcohol, and no sugar. What do you think? I found out about the hydrops when I was tested for a loose crystal in the ear. Both bother me quite a bit especially the crystal. I have been shown how to do the movement to put it back in place but it never works for me. I am 74 yrs. old and these things are really bringing me down. Anything you could suggest? Thank you.
What I have noticed, inflammation, especially in the ear, has to do with what you’re eating. We have an otoscope at our practice and notice there is a difference in those who are inflamed versus those who are not. Sugar and fruit can be an issue, and I would begin focusing on helping to clean up your liver. (More info in video).
Why is it that when I eat something that has sugar in it, I get itchy all over? I have no hives, rashes, bumps or visible signs of anything wrong. But I feel all over my body it gets itchy. Someone said to me it could be liver functioning is low, but they were not 100%. Please offer some light on this.
I typically notice those with low calcium tend to be “itchy.” Sugar can logically acidify you and calcium is needed to raise the pH. (L-Lysine and Blackcurrant Seed Oil also mentioned)
What can I do for pain in my knee from a degenerative meniscus tear. I am 63 year old female.
I would suggest no sugar and then strengthen the muscles in the front of the thigh – also, isometric exercises.
My mom had a CT scan which shows mass in her lungs and lymph nodes inflammation. She was given a thyroid disease diagnosis and this have affected her eye. She’s been on thyroid drug for 5 years now. The lung stuff was detected last month she’s having biopsy done in few weeks. What can she do to get well?
The lymph nodes suggest a possible parasite issue. (More info in video) – and contact us.
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