
Thanks for watching this #AskDrBob!

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including ketosis. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

Does prenatal have an effect on constipation and your thyroid?

Anytime someone is pregnant, there will obviously be changes. (More info in video)

I have had gastritis since I had my baby 15 months ago and am still breastfeeding. Is this hormone related?

Digestive distress can be common anytime someone has liver/gallbladder compromise. I would recommend reading my “Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones,” or my “Guide to Prevent Surgery,” the Gallbladder Chapter.

Is it OK to put your body in ketosis to lose weight?

You can put a huge demand on your liver, but everybody is different.

Taking T3 to lower TSH, what else can I do? Avoiding T4 due to recent cancer studies.

We lower the TSH by supporting the thyroid with a glandular neonatal product, but I cannot make any specific recommendations unless you have a Thyroid Serum Panel.

What can help take away yellow horizontal lines in the whites of my eyes?

The yellow eyes can be a liver or pancreas stone issue.

Can I substitute armor for iodine to get my thyroid T3 in range 3.6? Or what is healthy T3?

We use a variety of supplements to normalize thyroid function, based on your numbers. I would read my “Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones,” and have a new Thyroid Serum Panel. (More info in video)

I’ve had right shoulder and right knee pain, and now, I know it is my liver, and I am working on it. But please explain to me the cause of the left shoulder pain and what I can do to correct it.  

This is a pancreas referral because of its origin. (More info in video)

I recently found out not only to I have high cholesterol 214, all my lipoprotein numbers are in high risk category.  What can I do To change my apo b, , apo a-1, my ldl-p and my small ldl-p. Thanks.

First, I would need to know your Thyroid Panel. We also have a new Omega Test with a price special this February to determine your oil levels.


Thank you all for watching, to help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).

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