Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including MARCoNS. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
Remedies, preferably natural suggestions, for return of pigmentation due to Vitiligo. After reading many articles on Vitiligo causes and cures, I am more confused than ever. One article may read there is a cure, but another may read that there is not a cure. I would appreciate clarification on this topic.
I have discovered Tyrosine deficiencies can be a factor in Vitiligo. We can test your levels with the Organic Urine Test (Contact).
Hi Dr. Bob, my son is a healthy 11-year old, but has over a dozen warts of various sizes on his hands. What can I do to treat these and why is his body not fighting off this virus? He has had them over a year, and they keep multiplying.
Warts can be a manganese deficiency and a possible virus challenge. We use MN-Zyme and Agrisept.
I was watching “Marilyn and Sarah” and you were on their program talking about the thyroid gland;.sadly I had my thyroid removed in 1992 and take 88mcg. Tirosint daily, but I constantly struggle with excessive sleeping, low energy, fatigue and depression. I’m not sure if there is anything I can do to improve my health issues because nobody discusses issues with a Thyroidectomy. Please give me some advice!
I would suggest having a Thyroid Panel completed with a TSH, T3 and T4 to evaluate your numbers and supplement accordingly. You may also consider reading my “Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones.”
I’m looking for information on autoimmune, or fatty liver disease/cirrhosis for someone who never drank.
I have noticed liver issues on non-drinkers who consumed fruit before and/or after meals.
Hi Doctor Bob – love all your helpful information! This concerns my 30 yr. old daughter with many issues: MTHFR, anxiety and depression, ADD. She works in a daycare/preschool setting. She gets lots of colds, which in turn gives her ear problems. Her ENT states she has eczema in her ears which drive her crazy with itching. She does take blackcurrant seed oil. Is there anything else you could suggest? Would taking Agrisept help her from catching so many colds?
I would want to see her diet; sugar does compromise the immune system. (Also – OptiChem Profile).
I have Addison’s Disease; was diagnosed in 2009 with adrenal failure. I am taking 25 mg hydrocortisone and .01 mg (1/2) tablet fludrocortisone per day. I’m in menopause, my last menstrual cycle was September 2017. Age 54, 120 pounds, 5’5”, my weekly activity consists of cardio, weights, and stretching class. I am taking herbs, acupuncture, topical progesterone and estriol to help with hot flashes and put a spark in my libido. I just started taking the progesterone and estriol about two months ago with no results for a sex drive. Tell me what can I do, is there a book I can read? My husband is very patient; I’m very concerned about my inability for sexual desire. Help!
I would suggest having the Saliva Female Hormone Panel to assess your hormone levels and then treat the results. We use a variety of products for optimal female health. You can read my book, “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones.” You may also consider coming to visit us in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida.
I’m a Christian and a basically a fish/egg/vegetarian with little dairy. I am now in my mid-50s and I’m wondering what to eat for breakfast as all that I’ve tried isn’t working and I’m not feeling good and energetic like I want to. I have some digestive and joint issues in my hands and feet which are mostly cold. I see a chiropractor regularly for neck and back issues. I would love to have your advice for overall health and it would be great if someone like yourself would put a breakfast plan together (you might have already?) that gives energy to the body and the mind to start the day off right.
I would suggest the Omega Test to evaluate the amount of oils in your body. You want to make sure you are getting adequate protein. We use a pea and pumpkin protein product in our office for plant eating patients.
Dr. Bob, I tested positive for MARCoNS in December 2018. I was treated with a compounded nasal spray for 6 weeks. The treatment was successful but now I am beginning to have symptoms again. Do you have a suggestion for a natural treatment or should I take the (antibiotic) nasal spray again? Thank you for your help.
I would suggest first—No Sugar. We use a product called Agrisept-L (link on side of page) for our patients with resistance to fighting any type of chronic infection.
Thank you all for watching, to help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).
You can visit me in Cleveland, OH or Naples, Florida. I look forward to helping you and your family.