Zoloft, Ant-Aging, Mitral Valve Prolapse
Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including Mitral Valve Prolapse. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
What do you recommend instead of Zoloft?
I would suggest an Omega Oils Serum Profile looking for the levels of DHA. I would also consider a Thyroid Profile to evaluate T4 if it is low, and if you have symptoms of depression.
Product Mentioned: L-Tyrosine.
What are the best supplements for someone with no gallbladder?
I encourage you to read my “Guide to Prevent Surgery,” and read my Gallbladder Chapter for only $1 and go from there.
What are your thoughts of micro current for anti-aging?
Aging is often a result of inflammation in the body. I would reduce your omega-6 fats and also the combination of protein and sugar, which creates glycation and can accelerate aging. The micro currents does not get to the cause of the problem. Drink more water and don’t smoke.
I found you on Facebook and loved your presentations. I was wondering if you have any pamphlets or documentation for a healthy liver. I was just diagnosed with a fatty liver and have pain due to it being enlarged. I want to use natural products to get my liver healthy.
I do! I would read my “Drugless Guide to Detoxification.” I would refrain from eating fruit and juicing.
I had a colonoscopy ten years ago at age 49 with no issues, I am now 59 and the AMA and my PCM say I need one every 10 years. I am in good health, not overweight, and exercise daily…is having another colonoscopy necessary? Thoughts?
There are tests today where you can have your stool evaluated to determine colon health via a stool assessment. I would strongly encourage that since it is not invasive and I can assure you it’s more affordable. Contact us for test.
I have an ongoing, worsening mitral valve prolapse. I am on Metoprolol as they want my BP down to 100\60. Side effects not ok. Cardiologists in Salem OR not great. I am a manager of a 40 unit apt complex. I must work. I eat wisely and no fast food places, etc. Low fat and low carb foods. Would like some advice of who to see in our location and some of your materials and/or nutrients to use.
No. 1 – complete the Omega Oils Serum Profile. No. 2- begin by cleaning up your liver. No. 3 – consider coming to visit us in Westlake, Ohio.