Osteoporosis & More

Hi Everyone! These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including osteoporosis. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
I have Trigeminal neuralgia – what do you do about that?
I would want you to do an OptiChem Blood Serum Profile to evaluate your current physiology. I also discuss this in my Cataracts chapter in my “Guide to Prevent Surgery.” Your history of stress is significant.
What can i do for joint pain?
I would stop eating all sugar and dairy. Also limit nightshades and fruit, plus, drink more water. Watch my “What Can I Do For …” here as well.
Dr. Bob, I have osteoporosis in my left hip. Some days it hurts so bad – what can I do?
I would stop sugar completely. I would also suggest having standing films to check your pelvis alignment. Come and visit us at The Drugless Doctors.
Dr. Bob good evening. I heard an interview of yours regarding children with ADHD. How about children with ticks? Is the same treatment for them with no dairy, oil, and add DHA and vitamins?
We have seen an alignment issue in the spine can impact nervous system function. I would avoid sugar, make sure they have enough calcium (contact), and check for parasites.
Hi Dr Bob,
I came across you whilst looking up healing on You Version. I was diagnosed with diverticula disease at 35, I am now 45 and have had numerous flare ups in the last 3 years. From November 16 to February 18 I was prescribed 12 courses of antibiotics. I was hospitalized in February 18 and after this I started taking probiotics, I had no symptoms until 3 weeks ago and I ended up in hospital with acute diverticulitis. I am coming to the end of a 3 week it’s of antibiotics. The Drs. have advised that I should have part of my sigmoid colon removed. What can I do to help myself and avoid surgical intervention?
First, stop all sugar. You may be wise to have a stool culture and and be checked for parasites via microscopy. I would also recommend coming to visit us.