Toenail Fungus

#AskDrBob: Toenail Fungus

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including toenail fungus. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

Dr Bob, help me out please. I’m recently looking into using a few vegan recipes and they are against any kind of oil. This is their reasoning. What say you please?

Some may avoid oil that are sourced from animal sources including fish.  Fat itself is needed for optimal function of all cells. You may also consider the Omega Oils Serum Profile to determine which oils your body needs exactly.

How do you know if you have yeast overload and what can you do for toenail fungus?

I would avoid bread-related products. We use a product called Agrisept-L which is a citric seed extract at ten drops per day and or a product called Caprin to manage yeast. You may also consider a CBC with differential.

If I have stomach gas what should I do without drugs? I already use eucalyptus oil and digize from young living essential oil. How about another suggestion – thank you?

I use a digestive enzyme for our patients called Hydro-Zyme in the middle of the meal.  Gas can also be from poor liver-gallbladder function. You may consider reading my “Guide to Prevent Surgery,” especially the Gallbladder Chapter. Also mentioned: Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Detoxification.

What health issues are caused by peanut butter?

Sinus challenges are common.


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