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Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including a venogram. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

When is the best time to take ADB5-Plus?

I have practice members take it all times throughout the day, even before bed.

Is it bad for the colon to eat flax seed daily?

It depends on how much you are taking. I would encourage you to switch up the foods that you are eating. In some cases excessive flax consumption can deplete vitamin B6.

With so many different types of red apples, which one is the best to eat 1/2 of day of for better liver and gallbladder function? Also, many recommend green apples for this. I’ve noticed that I am having difficulty digesting green apples. Why do you recommend red apples?

I personally eat honeycrisp, gala, and Fuji.

I am scheduled for a venogram with possible chemical embolization and or stent this week. I saw on your Facebook page that you mention that vein issues are associated with the liver. I am someone who does the most conservative approach and am now worried about the scary things I have read online. I’m feeling uncertain about what was supposed to be a very simple outpatient procedure. Thanks for all you do for so many.

Inflammation in blood vessels can be an imbalance with your omega oils. I would suggest contacting us for a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile or serum test. This would help determine the amount of any inflammation. You may also consider reading my “Trans Fat Survival Guide.”

My 18-year-old son suffers with frequent headaches. It seemed when he was playing football he would get them if he was dehydrated. When he drinks lots of water and stays hydrated they seemed to go away. However he no longer plays football and he still gets them. He tries to stay hydrated most of the time. What are your recommendations please?

As I mentioned above, I would suggest a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile. An imbalance can create a sieve-like environment in the gut where water just flows through.

Hello and thank you for your ministry to many people. I have been dealing with what doctors call urgent or irritated bladder. Which usually results in urgency to urinate very frequently. Accompanied by subtle burning. Prostate has been an issue for 10 yrs, slightly enlarged, which restricts urination. I take bell prostate tea, as well as natural prostate capsules. sunflower seeds and a few other products. Stress has some effect, so managing that is a good way of life. Your advice is appreciated 🙂

I would be checked for parasites. (More info in video)

I’ve been drinking warm/hot lemon water in the mornings for the past week. I sip it like a tea because I’ve heard of the amazing benefits of it for digestion. To name one. I’ve noticed a slight tingling sensation in my belly that seems to be lingering, since starting this new regimen. Could this be a side effect of the lemon water? If so, will it eventually go away?

You may have a citrus sensitivity – I would recommend reading the book, “The Ultimate Healing System” by Dr. Lepore.

I lost 50 lbs in 4 1/2 months and am experiencing a number of symptoms associated with this condition. After a series of tests, the MD prescribed medication after two months my T3 & T4 reached normal range. He wants me to continue the med for another 6 months. I have mixed feelings continuing taking the medicine because I read that the med could eventually burn out the thyroid leading to hypothyroidism and taking meds ongoing. I am looking for an alternative way of controlling this diagnosis.

I would suggest you purchase “Dr. Bob’s Guide to Balancing Female Hormones,” where I discuss the thyroid in detail. You may also consider scheduling a consultation (discount code below).


Thank you all for watching, to help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).

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