Watery Eyes

Hi Everyone!
These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including watery eyes. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present them in an upcoming episode. Thank you!
I recently saw you on The Dr. Axe Show and it was great! I heard you say some things about flax oil. You said eating lots of flax oil can possibly make you B6 deficient? You also said It can impact estrogen movement in the body and then you said something about making sure broccoli is in it? Can you explain? I’ve heard you say before that it’s good to get flax oil in our diet. And I know there is an omega-six to omega-three ratio, but how much is too much flax oil?
Flax oil is a precursor food which travels through a metabolic pathway requiring co-factors, one of which is B6. We have noticed a need for B6 in those who use flax as their primary source of omega-3 fats. I have seen over time flax oil can be an estrogenic oil. Flax is good, but it is not the only oil. I would consider the Omega Test to see how your omega-3 and 6 oils are doing. We look at liver enzymes to check B6 levels. So, this is more than taking an item and seeing a difference.
I have been having fleeting sharp abdominal pain for months now. A recent ultrasound found layered sludge and gravel in my gallbladder. I know this is a symptom of something else that is going on. What should I do to help clean up the sludge? I am worried because there is a family history of pancreatic cancer.
I would suggest Phosphatidylcholine; it acts as an emulsifier. Also, I would eat one-half of a red apple daily, beet fiber, one medium carrot, one or two radishes and artichoke hearts.
What causes watery eyes everyday, but is not a conventional allergy or an infection? Is there a holistic approach to reversing receding gums?
Watery eyes can possibly be caused by a food sensitivity. I would suggest the FIT Test which checks 130 different foods and additives. You may have a sensitivity creating a reaction. I would suggest Osteo B II for receding gums after you have the Opti-Chem Profile and check your calcium/phosphorus ratio. It should be 10 parts calcium to 4 parts phosphorous. When you have more phosphorus you will have eroding of teeth and bones.
Hello Dr Bob, can you please explain how to cure a UTI naturally, I don’t like to take antibiotics. I would prefer to go the natural route, if possible, can you help.
Avoid gluten.
I am writing to you about my almost 3 year old. She is a spunky, fun little spit fire. When she was younger, like 18 months, she had bottle rot and I had a hard time finding someone to see her because it was at the beginning of the pandemic. Then she fell and knocked them partially out. So we had to have them removed. Long story short, she already is missing 3 teeth. And now it looks like she’s getting more cavities. I try to limit her sweets (she definitely has a sweet tooth), give her vitamins, and brush her teeth (it’s always been a struggle but she is getting better at it. We don’t use fluoride but I’m at a loss. I really don’t know what to do! Please help!!!
Stop the JUNK. We just had a dentist tell us people are not eating enough raw food. I would have her eat ½ of carrot daily which will supply natural fluoride.
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Please consult your physician prior to adding any new supplements or vitamins to your nutrition regiment.