Youth Anxiety

#AskDrBob: Youth Anxiety

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including youth anxiety. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

I have had a raise in blood pressure a year ago that my doctor said was coming from a heart murmur. He prescribed natural supplements which helped greatly and to that I cut back on salt completely for a while. After feeling better and maintaining normal BP for a while, I put moderate salt back in my diet. However, since then, I notice when I eat salted foods, it feels like trembling (shaking) inside my body. I want to know the correlation because I can’t find it in my own investigations. Do I have to remain salt-free forever?

The adrenal glands are impacted by salt. I would suggest you would want to investigate adrenal fatigue. At our practice we utilize a Heart Sound Recorder. Additionally, you could complete an Adrenal Stress Index (saliva), or a Mineral Tissue Hair Analysis to evaluate how they are functioning.

Hi, I do not want to take Prolia, which has been recommended for my bone health. Is there a natural supplement that is available?

First, I would suggest you read my “Guide to Prevent Surgery,” especially the chapter on Cataracts. From my experience, I like to see the ratio be four parts calcium to one part phosphorus. If it is heavier on the phosphorus side, you may be depleting calcium. Calcium can also be deficient because of poor digestion, stress, eating sugar, and drinking a fair amount of sparkling water. We utilize Osteo-B II at our practice, and you may consider an Opti-Chem Profile.

Dr Bob, my son says that sometimes he feels sad along with anxiety what could this mean? 

He may need oil. There are a few things I would suggest: The Omega Oils Serum Profile, Phosphatidylcholine, reading my “Guide to Stop ADHD IN 18 Days,” especially Chapter Four.

My husband has been suffering with what he explains to me to be a lawn mower going off in his ears 24/7. Do you have any recommendations?

Ear noises are not uncommon and can be caused from a variety of factors, including a food sensitivity, an alignment issue in the neck, low thyroid, a virus or infection and possible chemical toxicity. Personally, I would start with the Opti-Chem Profile (see link below) which we can test and a CBC with differential, to see if he does in fact have the findings associated with a virus. You may also consider a food sensitivity test – FIT Test.

Dr Bob, I got your reply on my triglycerides being 445, my thyroid was checked it was 3.250 in normal range. Don’t know if this will help but my LDL was normal, but my VLDL was high 89. I don’t really know what that is. Is VLDL worse than LDL? Thank you.

The main difference between VLDL and LDL is that they have different percentages of cholesterol, protein, and triglycerides that make up each lipoprotein. VLDL contains more triglycerides. LDL contains more cholesterol. VLDL and LDL are both considered types of “bad” cholesterol.  We support elevated LDL with omega 3 oils. I would suggest the Omega Oils Serum Profile (see below) to see how much omega-6 oils you may have; they create inflammation.


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