#AskDrBob-January 17th

Ask Dr. Bob January 17, 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.

1. I am 75 years old female,for the past couple of years I seem to get Bronchitis. I am not a smoker, and I don’t have many colds, but when I get Bronchitis, I have wheezing, and trouble breathing,I would like to find a way that I could overcome this.

The most important thing is to check your vitamin D level. Vitamin D will help bring your calcium to your blood. No sugar and citrus!

2. Why is it that women go through menopause they tend to gain weight particularly in the abdominal area?

It really is a hormonal challenge. Your adrenal gland is the key. (Make sure that it is not stressed).

3. I have you mention there are foods which help eliminate extra estrogen – can you explain?

You want to eat Dr. Bob’s ABC’s: ½ red apple, ⅓ cup beet fiber, and 1 medium carrot, but the most important food is: Broccoli

4. My perfectly healthy ten year old son seems to consistently break out with little bumps on his face.  What may be the cause of this and what natural product can I treat this with?

He is probably pre-hormonal-No sugar or dairy!! Include Dr. Bob’s ABC’s in their daily diet.

5. Why does it seem easier for men to lose weight than women?


  1. What kills ‘dust mites’ (they irritate skin & lungs) besides Very hot water?(MOST folks only use ‘COLD’ watetr!)

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