#DruglessDetox- Do Not Remove

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When you were growing up, or even now, when your tonsils were swollen to the point of agony and embarrassment, did you end up removing them? What if I told you, that removing your organs, including your tonsils, is like disarming a warrior or cutting the “warning signal” on your car’s dashboard. In fact, I believe when an infant is born, there should be tags on our organs saying: Do Not Remove. (This week’s subject is taken from Chapter 3 of my “Drugless Guide to Detoxification”)

The reason why I use tonsils as an example, is they belong to the system in our body called the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system serves as part of the defense mechanism in the body and activates lymphocytes and carries fats for digestion. The reason why our tonsils swell (if you still have them), is they are protecting you. They also serve as the storehouse of sulfur in the body, which is needed to make cartilage for your structural health. Healthy sources of sulfur include eggs, onion, and garlic. IF your lymph nodes are swollen and sore, I would recommend limiting dairy, exercising your muscles, and drink more water. It’s important to understand that when an organ in your body is doing their job, you should not remove them! (Click the image for more info on the lymphatic system)

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Ways to Keep Your Lymphatic System Pure:

-Your colon has one of the largest concentrations of lymphatic nodes. It’s important to drink a minimum of one quart of water per day to help clear toxins out of the colon. Your lymphatic system serves as the “warriors” and looks to take care of the foreign invaders, but if the colon is congested it can be backed up.

-Limit your gluten consumption. Since our colon is a dehydrator, the gluten can create coverings on the intestinal walls that are thick and pasty.

-Ladies, consider the ingredients in your makeup. When I spoke at a meeting, I mentioned that a female absorbs up to seven pounds of lipstick throughout their lifetime. A massage therapist who was in the audience said that when a female patient receives a massage with lipstick, it is absorbed during a lymphatic massage.

-Focus on whole foods that promote bowel movement(s). Mixed greens and mostly raw (lunch) and steamed (dinner) vegetables should be a part of your diet.

-Eliminate the consumption of soda and alcohol (yes, alcohol). Alcohol, including wine, even in moderation still needs to be processed. Some of today’s literature says alcohol will help your heart, but this isn’t always true.

#DruglessDetox Continued

1. Visit our first #DruglessDetox post and fill out our Toxicity Questionnaire. Then, consider a consultation with Dr. Bob to discuss proper steps to purification.

2. If you are considering a detoxification protocol, either 10 or 21 days, the following from Biotics Research is what we use at The Drugless Doctors practice.

3. Fill out a Diet Journal for 21 days to see if you see any patterns that could contribute to good or poor health.


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