YouVersion: Oil Change

Oil has been used throughout human civilization to help cleanse and purify. It’s also important to recognize which oils can add value to your health, and which oils can subtract. Thank you for reading my “Cleanse & Purify” devotional on YouVersion. Articles: #DruglessDetox-A Purification Oil #OptimalU-Oils The Importance of Balancing Oil Got Pain? Take Flax… Continue reading YouVersion: Oil Change

#DruglessDetox – Food & Herb Selection

Throughout the past two months during the #DruglessDetox, we have concentrated on food additives, detoxification processes (liver flush & castor oil pack), and various foods that will assist or thwart a purification program. Today, for our last post, I’m going to touch on the most important takeaways for you to keep in mind. -Consume organically… Continue reading #DruglessDetox – Food & Herb Selection

#DruglessDetox-A Purification Oil

When you were growing up, did your parents ever warn you if you did something inappropriate, they would make you swallow castor oil as punishment? What they probably did not mention, is that castor oil, when applied topically (and not internally) is one of the most effective healing oils for body purification. One of the… Continue reading #DruglessDetox-A Purification Oil

#DruglessDetox-Healing with Herbs

So far we have discussed symptoms that encourage a purification program, certain systems and body organs that aid in the detoxification process, and this week we are going to look at herbs (legal ones) which are known to assist in detoxification. (This week’s content, comes from my “Herbs for Life” chapter). There are three major… Continue reading #DruglessDetox-Healing with Herbs

#DruglessDetox-The 3 Amigos

If you have been following our #DruglessDetox this month, you might be thinking, “Ok Dr. Bob, I get that my body is full of toxins. What do I do now?” The simplest answer is to understand that detoxification and/or purification is a two-step process that: A. You learn how to avoid putting new toxins into… Continue reading #DruglessDetox-The 3 Amigos

#DruglessDetox- Do Not Remove

When you were growing up, or even now, when your tonsils were swollen to the point of agony and embarrassment, did you end up removing them? What if I told you, that removing your organs, including your tonsils, is like disarming a warrior or cutting the “warning signal” on your car’s dashboard. In fact, I… Continue reading #DruglessDetox- Do Not Remove