#DruglessDetox-Is Your Body A Toxic Dump?

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Today, we live in an increasingly toxic environment. There are increases in nuclear waste, pollution (air, land, noise), and contaminated water, which all pose significant external challenges to the health and well-being of people worldwide. Even greater than the threat of external toxins, are internal toxins. We consume these through medications, food, beverages, and also skin products. Consider the following statistics which Americans consumer per year:

  • 150-200 pounds of sugar per person. Refined, processed sugar depletes the body of minerals as well as B vitamins and other important enzymes.
  • 28 pounds per person of French fries.
  • 54 gallons of soda per year

These foods can cause stress on an already “stressed” body, which can lead to a state of toxicity and contamination. Additionally, excessive amounts of female hormone estrogen can be found not only in women, but men also.

“How Can I Change This, Dr. Bob?”

I recommend cleaning your liver and making sure you have enough vitamin B in your diet. Another solution is to focus on consuming organic food, where you can find more here.

There is one organ that is a giveaway to me and to others around you that determines if your body is toxic or not: Your skin. Acne is common in youth that are going through hormonal changes, but it is a marker of liver function for adults, too. If you are someone who has adult acne, I recommend drinking a minimum of one quart of water per day. Drinking this amount of water will help to clear your colon, allowing toxins to move through your bowels.

How toxic is your body? Fill out the questionnaire below and if you want, set up a consultation in order for us to create the correct protocol for you.

1. Toxicity Questionnaire

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(Click here for rest of questionnaire)

2. “Get To Know” Detoxification Part 2 (Again, prior to my Dr. Bob’s 20:12)

3. #DruglessDetox Supplement Bunde (Click here to view in our store)

This is the supplement protocol we use in our practice. It is based on a 10 or 21 day “program”.

4. Detox Recipes

5. Visit The Drugless Doctors in Westlake or Elyria, Ohio. 

For more information on my “Drugless Guide to Detoxification”, click here.




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