#DruglessDetox – Food & Herb Selection

Throughout the past two months during the #DruglessDetox, we have concentrated on food additives, detoxification processes (liver flush & castor oil pack), and various foods that will assist or thwart a purification program. Today, for our last post, I’m going to touch on the most important takeaways for you to keep in mind. -Consume organically… Continue reading #DruglessDetox – Food & Herb Selection

#DruglessDetox-Is Your Body A Toxic Dump?

Today, we live in an increasingly toxic environment. There are increases in nuclear waste, pollution (air, land, noise), and contaminated water, which all pose significant external challenges to the health and well-being of people worldwide. Even greater than the threat of external toxins, are internal toxins. We consume these through medications, food, beverages, and also… Continue reading #DruglessDetox-Is Your Body A Toxic Dump?