Healing Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be a debilitating condition that impacts your nervous system. From my experience, MS affects females more than males, and during my spinal correction and counseling of practice members, I have noticed recurring trends creating an environment ripe for the condition.

Severe or excessive stress is one of the factors which can potentially lead to MS. We all have stress, but excessive stress causes a shift in your primary hormones produced by your adrenal glands. The adrenals glands are a pair of walnut shaped and sized glands located on top of your kidneys; they produce steroid building block hormones including estrogen, cortisone, testosterone, DHEA, adrenaline and progesterone.

The excessive stress requires more cortisone; cortisone is developed directly from progesterone. I have noticed practice members who have a history of MS may also experience subpar thyroid function and miscarriages. A progesterone deficiency is the common thread through many conditions including MS.

I have personally helped practice members go into MS remission by supplementing them with vitamin D and essential fatty acids. Vitamin D has a variety of functions, one is helping the immune system and the other is assisting the absorption of calcium from your intestine into the bloodstream. Calcium is important to prevent viruses; a possible cause of MS. Lack of sunshine and inadequate intake of supplementation of vitamin D may be another factor in the development of MS.

I also have helped practice members with a history of low vitamin D by assessing their essential fatty acid levels with a Bloodspot Fatty Acid test. Low levels of fat impair the creation of a layer of fat on nerves called the myelin sheath. The body sends messages along the fat sheath; low levels of fat are common with nervous system conditions; depression, Alzheimer’s, bipolar and ADHD. Fat metabolism is sabotaged by sugar, partially hydrogenated oils (trans fat) and processed foods.

My recommendation to you, especially if there is excessive stress in your life, would be to consider exploring your levels of Vitamin D3 via a blood serum test. Like I mentioned above, a Bloodspot Fatty Acid profile (EFA’s) finger spot test is a simple test which can be completed in the comfort of your own home, then sent to a lab in Georgia. We use saliva testing to assess levels of progesterone; if you have a history of a miscarriage or subpar thyroid function it would be wise to have your progesterone tested.

For our #NoMeds focus article on sleep, kidney health, and Multiple Sclerosis, please click here.

For our #NoMeds product blog on the above conditions and body parts, please click here.

Below is an image showing the relationship between certain body functions and systems.
