#AskDrBob-March 13th

#AskDrBob-March 13th

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


1. Dr. Bob, What do you use for fiber in your daily diet? Or do you feel bowel function takes care of itself when liver is good and diet primo?

I have my SWAP bag (Start With A Protein) daily, which often consists of ½ red apple, 2 radishes, 1 stalk of celery, baby tomatoes and cucumber. I also have ⅓ cup of beet fiber each day (my recipe for baked beets), and often include kale or broccoli throughout my day. I do not have oatmeal or “bran” muffins.

SWAP Bag Picture


2. I have M.S. This last time I was out of remission, left me with leaky bladder, This has angered me. Sometimes I do not make to the bathroom in time, wakes me from a sound sleep, to have to go sometimes 2-3 times per night. I am tired of this. Is there anything that can help, have been doing the exercises to strengthen my muscles, NOT working yet. Getting a little tired of all this.  

In this situation, this could be a misalignment of the spine might be causing the bladder concerns. If you (or anyone) would like the PDF I discuss, please put “Leaky Bladder” in the subject line and email customercare@druglessdoctor.com, and we will send it out to you.

3. Wouldn’t B vitamins increase energy and interfere with sleep?

We have not seen that up to this point. In your case, it might be that taking vitamin B is “waking up” your adrenals.

4. Do you know of a good natural muscle relaxer supplement?

We recommend two products from Biotics Research: Bio-CMP and Bio-GGG-B that will help.

5. What is your opinion of Low Dose Naltrexone ?  

With any “addictive” behavior, we have found that to be a need for Vitamin B. We recommend Li-Zyme Forte, an herb called Kava Kava, both for addictive behavior.