March’s #NoMeds Product Info

Hi Everyone!

We recently began our #NoMeds March focus on sleep, kidney health, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). For the previous two months, we have had specified bundles (for your thyroid and heart), but instead of a bundle for March, I’m going to list my recommendation for each condition/body part below, with a link to our product and specials page. The products listed below are all discounted 15% for March with the coupon code: MADNESS, which you can enter at checkout. Let’s make this your healthiest month yet in 2015!

Dr. Bob


#NoMeds March 2015


Our 3-part sleep bundle consists of products that help if you have problems with all variations of the sleep process.

Cannot Fall Asleep

Aqueous Zinc: Test with with aqueous zinc. If you do not taste the zinc sulfate (mineral), supplement with one capful of Aqueous Zinc daily until the taste is evident. If a ‘tasteless’ experience continues, you may also add Zn-Zyme (3x daily). A zinc deficiency and excessive copper might prevent drifting off to sleep.

Zinc Video

Ca/Mg Zyme: Take four right before bed. If you have leg cramps, itchy skin, cold sores, these are body signals your body needs calcium, especially if your body has restless leg during the night.

Calcium Video

Livotrit Plus: Take three daily, or one before each meal if caffeine prevents you from sleeping, since it might be possible liver compromise.

Livotrit Plus Video

Drifting Off To Sleep

Bio B 100’s-Take four before bed if you find yourself waking up in one hour after laying down.

Vitamin B Video

Bio-Glycozyme Forte-Take four before bed if you find yourself waking up at 3 AM consistently, since it might be a body signal of blood sugar distress. Limit fruit and juicing until your body returns to normal.  

Bio-Glycozyme Forte Video

Overall Difficulty Sleeping

Neuro-5-HTP-Plus: Take two-three capsules before bed with an organic, no-added sugar juice.

ADB5: Take two at 8 AM and two at noon.

Insomnia Video

Test For Insomnia

Mineral Tissue Analysis (Hair) to assess copper and/or zinc levels.

Blood Pressure: Test from a sit to a stand. If the blood pressure drops, adrenal fatigue can be an insomnia body signal.

Leg Calf Blood Pressure Test: If the blood pressure cuff to which is applied and inflated does not reach 200, consider calcium.  

Kidney Products:

Renal Plus: Take two tablets three times per day.

Kidney Health Video

Multiple Sclerosis:


Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile: Reveals omega fat deficiencies.

Vitamin D-25 OH: Your vitamin D-3 levels should be forty.

Please note, Supplements are effectively determine by assessments.

Optimal EFA’s: Take three daily.

Biomega-3 Capsules: Take three daily.

Bio-D Mulsion Forte: Take 2-3 drops on your tongue daily.

Vitamin D Video

Omega Oils & MS Video


  1. I have M.S. This last time I was out of remission, left me with leaky bladder, This has angered me.
    Sometimes I do not make to the bathroom in time, wakes me from a sound sleep, to have to go sometimes 2-3 times per night. I am tired of this. Is there anything that can help, have been doing the exercises to strengthen my muscles, NOT working yet. Getting a little tired of all this.
    Thank You
    Deborah Kametz

    1. Hi Deborah,
      I go into your question in today’s new “Ask Dr. Bob”. If you would like to email us at, with the subject “Leaky Bladder,” we will send you a PDF further explaining action steps for you to take. DB

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