#AskDrBob-March 6th

#AskDrBob-March 6th

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


-Hi, I just had my third baby and of course are tired, hormonal etc but been experiencing lots of headaches which are causing me severe stress should I be starting to take any supplements or tests is there anything I can do?

I have found that after each delivery, there is often a post-baby liver syndrome since your liver goes through a lot during the pregnancy. I would consider a TSH, T3, T4 exam because you may also have a subpar thyroid. Consider a castor oil pack to help build you liver.

-My four year son and I have dry skin, how can we combat that during the winter?

I would consider adding blackcurrant seed oil, calcium (for young boys who are growing) and water.

-What nutrition (vitamins/supplements) can you recommend for RA?

In our practice, we just starting using a product from Biotics Research called Bio-B3 Plus 250, which has Niacinamide as an ingredient. It help to take away inflammation, including arthritis (osteo/rheumatoid) and the craving for cigarettes.

More Info: BIO-B3 PLUS 250 – Each tablet contains 250 milligrams of niacinamide in a vegetable culture base contains SOD and catalase. This product is excellent adjunctive therapy for patient suffering with the pain and swelling that accompanies rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.  According to William Kaufman, P.D., M.D and Jonathan Wright, M.D., niacinamide should be dosed at 250 to 500 milligrams 5 to 12 times a day with a maximum dose of 3000 milligrams a day. Dr. Kaufman reported that in over several thousand patient years of niacinamide therapy, no adverse side effects were reported even at doses up to 3000 milligrams per day.  We have found that during initial therapy some patient report gastric distress with more than 500 milligrams per dose and in these cases, a lower beginning dose is suggested. The gastric upset with generally diminish after a week or so and the dose can then be increased.

-Hi. I’m hoping someone can give me a bit of advice. First let me explain my situation. I am currently on a low dose bc pill (Sprintec) I have had irregular menses my whole life (since I started having them. Its always been the norm for me) I was told that it would regulate my cycle. They keep telling me it’s not normal, but I’ve never had a problem with it until I gained lot of weight. But I’ve been losing a little at a time (I’m down 45lbs) I was also told I would have mild to little discomfort. I’ve been taking up to 4 Tylenols within a four hour time limit just to function. I’m in constant pain (its only numbing the pain) and I’m bleeding more than before. I told the NP this a few months ago when I started to take them (is also the resin I stopped, but she kept insisting it was what I needed) She kinda didn’t really seem concerned about it and said it was normal. It’s already been four days and its NOT getting any better. Here’s my question. Is there ANYTHING natural I can take to regulate my hormones (or at least what’s regular for me) I’m tired of taking pills. I know if you constantly take them its not good for you. I’m am just done with all of this. Plus since I started taking the bc I’ve GAINED weight (still the same diet and exercise routine) Any advise will help. Thank you.

I would continue focusing on green, leafy vegetables, drinking plenty of pure water, and exercising. I would also consider Calcium-D-Glucarate to help with the extra estrogen in your body.

-I have couple questions, I have been snoring really loud my husband said I sound like a fat pig, I drink lemon water in the mornings is there anything else I can do?

I am not sure of your weight situation, but extra weight can compress your lungs. I have also found that if you consume a lot of wheat-based products, you will snore. I would recommend writing down what you eat and document if you snore each night as well.

-I was thinking bout getting a happy light or a light therapy, do you think it will have for depression & winter blues?  

First, I would consider an Bloodspot Fatty Acid profile, which will help determine your oil levels. I have also found individuals who are depressed to have a low or subpar thyroid gland.

-I have excessive hair growth on my upper lip.  Even with waxing it grows back rather quickly.  A functional medicine practitioner once told me this means my ratio of estrogen to progesterone is out of balance.  Is this true?  I would like to know how to balance these hormones causing this to occur!  I have two young children and during my pregnancies the hair growth went away only to come back shortly after delivery.  If there is a drugless protocol is it also safe for nursing?  Thank you so much

Hair on your lip could be a body signal of hyperfunction (pituitary gland). I use a product called E-Manganese (call), and saliva testing to help determine your hormone levels to make sure you don’t have a cyst on your ovaries.


  1. Dr. Bob,
    What do you use for Fiber in your daily diet?
    esp. if needed. Or do you feel bowel function takes care of itself when liver is good and diet primo?

  2. Hello,
    I recently watched one of your videos where you talked about mercury fillings. My mother has some and plan to have them removed soon. My question is…Can you pass the toxins from the filings to your unborn child? If you can then how would I know how much I have and if there is any way to rid my body of these? I am 43 and have been a diabetic since I was 5 , which makes me wonder, could this be why my pancreas does not function.
    Thank you for any information you can give me.

    1. Hello Nicole,
      I did already tape tomorrow’s (March 13th) Ask Dr. Bob, but I have your question for next week. Thank you. DB.

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