#OptimalU-Week 13 Recap

Hi Everyone!

This week ends our month on exercise and begins our April focus on sleep. I’m looking forward to sharing information that will help you sleep throughout the night and wake up refreshed (and hungry) every morning. Thanks for joining me in this year-long journey! Speaking of, Journey Community Church is our April outreach of the month, and you can visit the rest of the sleep Q & A’s on my focus page, enjoy!

Dr. Bob

Day 1: Walk up the steps instead of using the escalator or elevator. You will reduce pain and improve back and knee strength.


Day 2: Read the label on your “healthy” power bar. It may contain hidden sugar sources.


Day 3: Baking a chicken is an easy-to-prepare weekend meal. Insert pieces of celery and onion into the roast for added flavor.


Day 4: Add some beans to your salad or as a side dish.


Day 5: Off

Day 6: Keep moving!


Day 7: Your body repairs itself during restful, peaceful sleep. Manage your time in such a way that you are in bed before midnight.
