Welcome to Refuge!

Like most married couples, Michelle and her husband wanted to become parents are raise a family. However, they were told they could never have children naturally. Through IVF they had one child, but that process wasn’t the most ideal. When they wanted to conceive again, Michelle was told she had Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). She tried IVF once more, had a miscarriage and was open for any solution. Her father had been a patient of mine, and suggested she begin to see me. Through adjustments and nutrition recommendations, she was able to conceive without the need for medication or IVF. Wow!

Michelle’s story mirrors thousands of other patients I served over the thirty+ years, who considered, as Michelle says, a drugless approach. With our new website, I know we will be able to reach thousands, if not millions, more!

As we were developing the new website, my team and I were throwing out names for the blog, and the word “Refuge” kept popping up. At first I wasn’t so sure, but after reading the definition of what a refuge is, I thought this describes the Drugless Doctor mission perfectly:

A place that provides shelter or protection.

Today, there are infinite health-related websites, smartphone apps, and television shows, and, while many of these provide accurate information, some do not, and others promote prescription drugs/medications resulting in multiple side effects that do more harm than good. I want you to think of the information via blog posts, articles, videos, etc., from Drugless Doctor as a refuge for your health and well-being. I also want your feedback to know what types of health information are important to you so you can live life well, without the need for drugs.

Please spend time looking over our new website. We are very proud of the new features, including:

New store: Ease of finding products and checkout process

Videos: After watching one of the GTK’s, the products I discuss are available to purchase.

Focus: Our 2013 focus is “Know Your Numbers”. Each month look for a new health-related number.

Health 101: A drugless encyclopedia for health conditions and information you can use at the grocery store.

Food: What foods do I recommend? What foods should you limit or avoid? You can find the answers in this section.

Body: A non-textbook guide for you to learn more about your body’s systems.

If you are skeptical, or a firm believer in drugless principles, thank you for considering us on your health journey. We look forward to helping you!

Dr. Bob

Here’s the link to Michelle’s interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn48paFtjPg


    1. Ewy,
      I have your question. Please watch my Ask Dr. Bob on Friday, which you can find on my blog. DB

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