Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob, including ARSACS. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

How do you reverse hyperthyroidism?

I would need to know a bit more about you; age, gender,  lifestyle, smoker, sugar etc.

My husband is on Rx for high cholesterol. We also started taking an omega-3 supplement several years ago. For the past several years (well before the omega-3 supplement and the Rx), his triglycerides have been decently elevated. He was diagnosed with Fatty Liver about 3 years ago.

There are a lot of possibilities from stress, diet and lifestyle before I can make any real comment. I would suggest getting Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Detoxification you will discover some of your answers.

I was reading a study on omega-3’s earlier this morning and it mentioned something about “converted to triglycerides.” With the fatty liver and elevated triglycerides, should he even be on the supplement? Unfortunately the MD’s we’ve seen are more into prescriptions instead of natural supplements, so they haven’t been helpful in the area of natural treatments. We are still searching for a doctor that is knowledgeable in both.

I have not read about omega fats being converted to triglycerides. Triglycerides are fats that from my experience usually are created from too many carbs. I would suggest having the Omega Test completed by our office to determine the exact levels of fats you may have in your body.

I just saw the episode on fatty liver. I’m a menopausal 53 yr with diabetes & had my gallbladder removed over 15 yrs ago with no symptoms outwardly. He talked about bovine bile. How much is used as a supplement daily? Best/safe brands to use?

I would take one Beta Plus from Biotics Research Corporation with each meal. I would encourage you to read the Gallbladder Chapter from Dr. Bob’s Guide to Prevent Surgery.

I just heard your interview! It was amazing! I was wondering if you don’t eat fruit after you eat, can you eat it before your meal, or when? Also one beet a day? 

I only eat ½ of a red apple daily before a meal usually first thing in the morning. I eat at least 1/3 to 1 cup of either baked or raw beets daily.

My 4-year-old grandson suffers from eczema. I’m sure it’s coming from inside his body. What should be done to treat it (because warmer weather is on the way and it gets worse)? 

I have used Blackcurrant Seed Oil and ADB5 Plus from Biotics Research with success helping eczema.  I would have him avoid wheat, dairy and sugar.

I would like to know if you have any recommendations to heal and walk again. I was diagnosed with ARSACS. I eat a plant-based diet, no dairy, and I am wheelchair bound with a lot of spasticity and no medication!

I do not have any recommendations except no sugar, seek a skilled Chiropractor in your area. ARSACS is for everyone else an Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) is a debilitating hereditary and progressive childhood neurological disorder. Symptoms generally appear between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. … The ataxia gene can be passed through many generations without manifesting any symptoms.


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April 11th 14th 16th 18th 21st 23rd


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