#AskDrBob-March 13th

#AskDrBob-March 13th These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life. 1. Dr. Bob, What do you use for fiber in your daily diet? Or do… Continue reading #AskDrBob-March 13th

#OptimalU-Week 19 Recap

Hi Everyone! I hope your week has started in the right direction, and that you have been able to incorporate some of the new breakfast and lunch principles I have suggested, and also noticed the difference between an organic/conventional/ and GMO PLU number (from last week) when you walked throughout your grocery store. Here are… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 19 Recap

#DruglessDetox-The 3 Amigos

If you have been following our #DruglessDetox this month, you might be thinking, “Ok Dr. Bob, I get that my body is full of toxins. What do I do now?” The simplest answer is to understand that detoxification and/or purification is a two-step process that: A. You learn how to avoid putting new toxins into… Continue reading #DruglessDetox-The 3 Amigos

Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels

I have daily discussions with ladies who are living with the collateral damage from surgeries which were initiated because of estrogen toxicity. One of the most common procedures that is inflicted on the uninformed public is ablation. Ablation is a procedure that has initially been incorporated for altering heart rhythms and then for the reduction… Continue reading Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels