#DruglessDetox-The 3 Amigos

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If you have been following our #DruglessDetox this month, you might be thinking, “Ok Dr. Bob, I get that my body is full of toxins. What do I do now?”

The simplest answer is to understand that detoxification and/or purification is a two-step process that:

A. You learn how to avoid putting new toxins into your body

B. Take new and simple steps to help your body flush out the existing toxins, thus giving your body a chance to heal itself.

Today, we are going to look at three organs in your body we need to be aware of their role in the detoxification process.

A healthy colon is essential for a healthy body. Diets that consist of unrefined, processed foods which are low in fiber contribute to a sluggish colon. Besides “elimination”, your colon contains the largest concentration of bacteria in your body, and these bacteria have important roles including the synthesis of folic acid, B-vitamins, and vitamin K from foods. “Waste” material that stagnates in your colon, alters the proportion of healthy bacteria to disease-producing bacteria. The “bad” bacteria that decompose proteins and carbohydrates, resulting in the production of toxins.

You are probably well aware that your colon is an elimination organ, and colon hydrotherapy can provide therapeutic improvement to a sluggish colon. Common body signals to a sluggish colon are:


-Halitosis (bad breath)

-Skin blemishes (acne, eczema)


-Low Back Pain

-Lack of Energy

If you do choose the have colon hydrotherapy/colonics, I recommend only twice a year in the fall (before Thanksgiving) and spring (before Memorial Day). *More Colon Articles

Your liver is another organ heavily involved in purifying your body. Simply, it absorbs what it needs and dumps what it does not want. Some of the most important functions of your liver include:

-Metabolizing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; thus providing energy and nutrients.

-Storing vitamins, minerals, and sugars

-Filtrating your blood and removing chemicals and bacteria.

-Creating bile, which breaks down fats

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(Click for more info on your digestive system)

There are three ways to keep your liver clean, two of which I will go into more detail in the coming weeks and they are: Castor Oil Pack a few times a week, liver-healing herbs, and eating beets.

If you know me, you know I have been a beet promoter for many years, and it’s the “B” in Dr. Bob’s ABC’s. Consuming ⅓ cup of beet fiber per day can help lower your cholesterol upwards of 40%, and it helps to keep fat from accumulating in your liver. Click here to watch my beet recipe. (Recipe Link)


The final purification organ we are going to look at today is your gallbladder. The gallbladder, which if you remember last week’s article, is an organ that many oftentimes remove, but that is oftentimes not necessary.

Have you ever heard of the word “bile”? It’s not the most pleasant word, but your gallbladder is the storehouse in your body for bile. Bile’s role is to break down fats from large globules to smaller ones which are more water-soluble. If you do choose to remove your gallbladder, essentially you have lost proper fat metabolism in your body, which can precipitate heart problems. Make sure to eat your ½ red apple per day, which will help bile flow in your body.

#DruglessDetox Action Steps (For This Week)

– Be aware, journal, then limit the amount of processed food you consume

– Drink water from a pure source

– Do not drink fluid WITH your meals

– Consider a colon hydrotherapy session

– Add ⅓ cup of beet fiber to your diet

From our previous #DruglessDetox posts:

Toxicity Questionnaire(From my “Drugless Guide to Detoxification”)

Biotics Research Detoxification Protocol

More Information & Our Detox Bundle


  1. I suffer headaches days and night
    Every daly. Please what to do ?
    Thank you

    1. Felicita,
      I have your question, and will answer it in an upcoming Ask Dr. Bob. DB

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