Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels

I have daily discussions with ladies who are living with the collateral damage from surgeries which were initiated because of estrogen toxicity. One of the most common procedures that is inflicted on the uninformed public is ablation. Ablation is a procedure that has initially been incorporated for altering heart rhythms and then for the reduction… Continue reading Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels

“Get To Know” Cancer

One of the leading causes of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, is altered DNA. I personally want you to minimize the toxins you are putting in and on your body. Start focusing on organic body products and eating organic food. Make sure that you are also keeping your liver functioning optimally. I share… Continue reading “Get To Know” Cancer

Men’s Health-A Focus on the Liver

Your liver is a wonderfully designed, resilient organ, capable of rebounding from toxic and infectious exposure. The liver typically extends to the lower rib cage on the right side but can extend to the pelvis if it is required to handle high volumes of processed foods, toxic materials, medications and alcohol. I evaluate a number… Continue reading Men’s Health-A Focus on the Liver