“Get To Know” Heart

Hi Everyone! My very first “Get To Know” I taped was on the heart, and in this new season, I wanted to revisit the subject and add some new information I know will help you. Did you know a congested liver can actually be causing your heart challenges? (More info from my April focus here).… Continue reading “Get To Know” Heart

“Get To Know” pH

Hi Everyone! With my new “Get To Know” I wanted to do it on pH because many of you have heard of pH but you don’t know what it means and how it impacts you. Besides this video, my monthly focus is also on pH, which you can read here. Words to become familiar with:… Continue reading “Get To Know” pH

“Get To Know” Fibromyalgia

Hello Everyone! In my new “Get To Know” video this week, I talk about fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia impacts more women than men, and is most common between the ages of 35-50 when hormones are changing. Body signals of fibromyalgia include high copper and low zinc. What do you do to help? -Consume 1 oz. of apple… Continue reading “Get To Know” Fibromyalgia

“Get To Know” Cancer

One of the leading causes of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, is altered DNA. I personally want you to minimize the toxins you are putting in and on your body. Start focusing on organic body products and eating organic food. Make sure that you are also keeping your liver functioning optimally. I share… Continue reading “Get To Know” Cancer

“Get To Know” Coconut

This is the third GTK for our new season. The other two were on your numbers and brain. Why do a GTK on coconut? It’s a superfood with many drugless qualities. Do you use coconut for cooking or hygienic purposes? Let me know! Dr. Bob http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEiBgnVsM8s