#OptimalU-Week 26 Recap

Hi Everyone! This is the official ‘halfway’ recap for #OptimalU and for the month of July we are going to stroll down memory lane and highlight each month’s focus including water, sleep, exercise, and meal planning. I hope you have a safe July 4th, and here are some of my dessert and side dish recipes… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 26 Recap


Everyday I have many individuals ask me a variety of their health concerns, but one of the most popular is “How do I detox?” I find it funny that the question never begins with “Should I” or “When do I”, it’s “how”, suggesting they already have their mind made up a detox is something their… Continue reading #DruglessDetox-Welcome

#OptimalU-Week 4 Recap

Hi Everyone! This week, my #OptimalU posts ranged from castor oil pack application, to taking your body temperature, to sharing what you have learned so far. Tomorrow, is my first “hangout” at 9PM EST, which we will be discussing water and taking your general health questions. In a few days, our new focus will be… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 4 Recap

#OptimalU-Week 3 Recap

Hi Everyone! We just wrapped up the third week of #OptimalU, and we are closing in on February, which we will be focusing on ______. I also want to announce that our LIVE YouTube event will be next Wednesday, January 29th, at 9 PM EST. You can RSVP (Free) here. Also, our publisher for “Dr.… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 3 Recap

Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels

I have daily discussions with ladies who are living with the collateral damage from surgeries which were initiated because of estrogen toxicity. One of the most common procedures that is inflicted on the uninformed public is ablation. Ablation is a procedure that has initially been incorporated for altering heart rhythms and then for the reduction… Continue reading Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels