#OptimalU-Week 27 Recap

Hi Everyone! I hope your holiday weekend was full of friends, family, and fireworks. Personally, Deb and I enjoyed time with Dr. A & C, took plenty of bike rides, and walked to the fireworks in our neighborhood. My previous week’s #OptimalU’s began to focus on the previous six months, including meal planning and relationships.… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 27 Recap

#OptimalU-Week 8 Recap

Hi Everyone! This week’s #OptimalU pictures and videos include squash (recipe here), another “throwback Thursday”, and our attempt at “jumping”. Tomorrow, will be our February Google+ LIVE event. We will be discussing relationships, your heart health, and I will take your questions, too. I hope to see you there! Dr. Bob Day 1: Bake a… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 8 Recap

#OptimalU-Week 7 Recap

Hi Everyone! This past week brought us Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, and more snow in Ohio. I hope these #OptimalU tips will brighten your spirits and that you are able to join us next Wednesday, the 26th from 9-9:30 EST for our LIVE event as we discuss relationships and heart health. Day 1: Make… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 7 Recap

#OptimalU-Week 6 Recap

Hi Everyone! We are well into February now, and also new pictures and videos for relationships and food that will have your health at optimal levels. This week there’s content about herbs, and my first “Throwback Thursday,” but certainly not my last. Our next LIVE event will be in two weeks (February 26th), and we… Continue reading #OptimalU-Week 6 Recap